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Thread: Mind Workstation Effects

  1. #1

    Default Mind Workstation Effects

    Hi it would be great if you could explain Step by Step or even better in a Tutorial how I can use audio MWS effects - modulation, echo, 3D positioning, etc. by creating dummy audio tracks and setting the frequency (pitch) to SS color control frequencies (R=18.7kHz, G=19.2kHz, B=19.7kHz + Ref) - to create SS color effects.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Kasina & MindWorkstation questions...

    Hi Thalassa,
    I am working on some tutorials for you... but I may have found a bug in the Session Settings SS prefs implementation in MWS.. investigating it.

    However just so you know effects like 3D positioning and echo probably don't have very useful visual results. Especially if they smear the audio with pitch modulation.. like for instance Doppler would do.

    Have you played with the Advanced SS tracks where you are able to insert separate color tracks? That is basically putting in the tones and insuring that there is only one reference present.

    More for you soon,
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  3. #3
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    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: Kasina & MindWorkstation questions...

    For what it's worth, 3D positioning and echo can have some extraordinary effects on the lightshow, echo being most useful to add "multiples" to a beat, i.e. a 5Hz beat with a 3-beat 20Hz echo. There is nothing that isn't worth playing with!

    1. New session.
    2. Add Content - Mind machine / Spectrastrobe
    3. Set all SpectraStrobe brightnesses to zero
    4. Add Content - Tones / Isochronic
    5. Set pitch of tone to 18.7kHz

    Connected to the Kasina this will give a pair of red flashing lights. Pan the Tones track left/right to change sides. Experiment with any effects you wish. Make sure the volume on the Tones tracks is not too high or it will exceed SpectraStrobe specs - I have found a good starting point to be somewhere between 3 and 5 - set it so that setting it higher doesn't make the light any brighter.

    6. Repeat for other colors (19.2kHz/19.7kHz)

    Note that it is the "unused" SpectraStrobe track that provides the reference and can also be used for light control, but again, important not to drive the lights harder than necessary (eventually a high pitched noise will become evident if too much - can also check output with spectrum analyzer to ensure levels are Ref -36dB, R -24dB, G -24dB, B -24dB MAX.


  4. #4
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    Default Re: Kasina & MindWorkstation questions...

    In the final implementation in Mind Workstation it has been complicated a bit beyond what you are explaining, although once you know what is going on it is a good implementation.

    When a SpectraStrobe track is added, it processes all the audio tracks with a low pass filter to take out any frequencies that might collide with the SpectraStrobe signal.

    So if you create your own tone tracks with a SS track present then they get filtered out.

    To stop this you have to go under Session Settings in the Settings menu:

    These are the defaults:

    You will want to check both of these boxes to use your own tone tracks:

    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Kasina & MindWorkstation questions...

    Thanks Scott, I haven't used the technique for a while - didn't realize the game had changed a bit.


  6. #6
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    Default Re: Mind Workstation Effects

    Ok, so now I know why I was saying that echo and reverb aren't useful on SS tone tracks... They aren't even an available option on tone tracks. The 3D sound positioning is available but reverb and echo on it are not (greyed out). 3D sound does work and doesn't really seem to create problems but the overall effect is not much different than panning the tracks. Maybe a little more automated?

    Also, Doppler didn't seem to do or hurt anything.

    If you inserted the SS signals as audio.. leaving out the reference track in mix down. Then you could apply echo and reverb. I will test but any pitch modulation or filtering on the reverb tails would not likely be predictable in its effects.

    I'm like Craig though... try anything and see what happens. Is there a specific result that you have in mind or are you just trying out possibilities?
    Last edited by neuroasis; 12-28-2013 at 08:02 PM.
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Kasina & MindWorkstation questions...

    Also, importing SS audio is a whole different thing in itself and I will need to make a tutorial on that too.
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  8. #8
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    Default Re: Mind Workstation Effects

    Maybe I'll just shut up about MWS - I don't use it much any more. Upon your pointing out the absence of echo/reverb, I do recall that I did quite a few tracks that used re-imported SS tracks to which, as audio, anything could be done.


  9. #9
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    Default Re: Mind Workstation Effects

    No way, man. You rock Mind Workstation. I remember I got a session of yours one time (think Robert sent it to me). I learned more stuff from that session than any other way.

    But, yeah, I do usually end up importing audio for really complex stuff.
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  10. #10

    Default Re: Mind Workstation Effects

    Good morning
    Thank You so much!!
    I will try out your suggestions.Hope I'll get it this time I'm not such a technical genie.....and I'm also pretty impatient If I don't get a result after trying for hours and hours a loose my joy I get frustrated....
    (I'm a Painter and to compare it, it feels as if I have a Painting (Session) in mind but I have to spend so much time in creating the colors that the actual Painting is fading away)(Sorry I don't know if my english is understandable)
    So I'm very thankful for Your help!!!!
    What I finally have in Mind is to create Sessions that are both synchronized with the music and with Brainwave Entrainment in a harmonious way.
    I have not yet tried out MuLab cause I was hoping that there is a way to succed with MWS . I'm a little bit afraid of an other complex program .
    So I'm really looking foreward for your tutorials for "Technical Dummies" like me....
    Last edited by Thalassa; 12-28-2013 at 10:04 PM.

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