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Thread: Re-enacting movement and vocalizations during childhood regression using entrainment

  1. Default Re-enacting movement and vocalizations during childhood regression using entrainment


    I'd like to share my very first experience with the Procyon that I got a couple of weeks ago. By way of background, my chiropractor and general guru had been trying to get me to listen to a CD generated by NP3 for SAD. I finally got around to it and ended up buying NP3 along with Mind Stereo, TS1 and TS2. Well, it sure did something but I wanted the AudioStrobe capability, too. So I bought the Procyon which arrived the next day after ordering it.

    I'm doing BWE to find childhood trauma and how it affects my emotional behavior today (aren't we all?). I had done only 6 NP3 sessions before my first Procyon session - #43 ? 35 min Creative Visualization.

    In the account below, I was lying on my bed (no pillow). All of the physical movements and vocalizations were completely re-enacted during the session. I haven't found reports of similar responses to BWE and wonder if anyone here has.

    Here it is:

    For this session, I intended to learn about my memory of falling down the stairs at home when I was about 3. It took quite a while to get into my boy self and feel the events. I feel that I am kneeling on the floor at the top of the stairs and my buttocks are being lifted up. My childhood friend is behind me. He is the friend I went to London with when we fed pigeons in Trafalgar Square. I remember there being a photograph of us feeding them ? a pigeon was on my head. My friend tipped me up and I fell down the stairs. I felt myself tumbling over each stair. This rhythmic sensation stopped and my head tilted firmly to the left. My body moved more erratically and I felt I was being carried. My motion then changed and I repeated the writhing and stretching in the crib [a very early memory visited in an earlier NP3 session] as before. This time I began to feel being moved slowly and rhythmically. I started to make crude vocal noises that evolved into the sound of a baby crying. The crying became very forceful and lasted for a minute or so until it abruptly stopped and became a higher pitched one. I was crying like an adult. I was now my mother. I could sense looking down at my legs. I was distraught. I cried and screamed for about a minute and then it faded away. I felt relaxed. Now I am me again and I am in the fetal position. I sense my legs are pointing downwards. I feel the pushes again and hear grunts. I realize I have to turn completely through 180 degrees and I now face downwards. In the session I re-enact this completely ? ending up with my head at the foot of the bed [and somehow not get tangled up]. I feel being pushed headlong and feel I have emerged into another much more vast place. A few seconds later I start to cry like a newborn and at this point the session stops abruptly.

    A few days after the session, my father told me that I had an older brother who died just after birth - this was something of a family secret. Also, the session was a couple of days after my younger brother's funeral whose presence was and remains very strong.

    I know there's a lot of debate about whether these memories are true or imagined by the subsconcious. I don't care - there are having a profound and positive effect on me. I hope this thread doesn't turn into such a debate. The Procyon and NP3 are extraordinary pieces of technology. Subsequent sessions (daily) have been just as dramatic and revelationary.


  2. Default Re: Re-enacting movement and vocalizations during childhood regression using entrainm

    Quote Originally Posted by tigertim View Post

    I'd like to share my very first experience with the Procyon that I got a couple of weeks ago. By way of background, my chiropractor and general guru had been trying to get me to listen to a CD generated by NP3 for SAD. I finally got around to it and ended up buying NP3 along with Mind Stereo, TS1 and TS2. Well, it sure did something but I wanted the AudioStrobe capability, too. So I bought the Procyon which arrived the next day after ordering it.

    I'm doing BWE to find childhood trauma and how it affects my emotional behavior today (aren't we all?). I had done only 6 NP3 sessions before my first Procyon session - #43 ? 35 min Creative Visualization.

    In the account below, I was lying on my bed (no pillow). All of the physical movements and vocalizations were completely re-enacted during the session. I haven't found reports of similar responses to BWE and wonder if anyone here has.

    Here it is:

    For this session, I intended to learn about my memory of falling down the stairs at home when I was about 3. It took quite a while to get into my boy self and feel the events. I feel that I am kneeling on the floor at the top of the stairs and my buttocks are being lifted up. My childhood friend is behind me. He is the friend I went to London with when we fed pigeons in Trafalgar Square. I remember there being a photograph of us feeding them ? a pigeon was on my head. My friend tipped me up and I fell down the stairs. I felt myself tumbling over each stair. This rhythmic sensation stopped and my head tilted firmly to the left. My body moved more erratically and I felt I was being carried. My motion then changed and I repeated the writhing and stretching in the crib [a very early memory visited in an earlier NP3 session] as before. This time I began to feel being moved slowly and rhythmically. I started to make crude vocal noises that evolved into the sound of a baby crying. The crying became very forceful and lasted for a minute or so until it abruptly stopped and became a higher pitched one. I was crying like an adult. I was now my mother. I could sense looking down at my legs. I was distraught. I cried and screamed for about a minute and then it faded away. I felt relaxed. Now I am me again and I am in the fetal position. I sense my legs are pointing downwards. I feel the pushes again and hear grunts. I realize I have to turn completely through 180 degrees and I now face downwards. In the session I re-enact this completely ? ending up with my head at the foot of the bed [and somehow not get tangled up]. I feel being pushed headlong and feel I have emerged into another much more vast place. A few seconds later I start to cry like a newborn and at this point the session stops abruptly.

    A few days after the session, my father told me that I had an older brother who died just after birth - this was something of a family secret. Also, the session was a couple of days after my younger brother's funeral whose presence was and remains very strong.

    I know there's a lot of debate about whether these memories are true or imagined by the subsconcious. I don't care - there are having a profound and positive effect on me. I hope this thread doesn't turn into such a debate. The Procyon and NP3 are extraordinary pieces of technology. Subsequent sessions (daily) have been just as dramatic and revelationary.

    Your experience is not so uncommon. A lot of folks have deeply buried emotions and memories, audiovisual stimulation can bring them into a more open and receptive state where they come to the surface. Usually this is a good sign as you can deal with it and move on.

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Re-enacting movement and vocalizations during childhood regression using entrainm

    I have come to realize over years of use with AVS (AudioVisual Stimulation) mind machines that at different times and settings they seem to operate from two distinctive standpoints. One is their power to 'break' patterns. Colloquially, to 'shake things loose'. Our internal mental states often run in loops (rather constructively or destructively depending). A program of AVS sessions can interrupt these loops it seems. This can be very beneficial in many ways, especially concerning trauma (under care and supervision) and also habitual mind frames.

    The other level I have noticed is that of 'modulation'. That is creating structured waves and patterns of cortical activity. This can be quite useful for enhanced learning and memory recall for instance. With persistence, over the long term there is the possibility of alignment and change.

    Finally, a note on a most important aspect which is positive activity and intention. When we set forth on the journey of self discovery with the aid of a mind machine we have a tool that invites discovery, novelty, wonder, release, and focus. All of these are very positive things to enhance our chances of achieving our goals. I have always thought that an AVS machine makes the hard work of meditation (a great irony) rather fun and exciting. Just as it should be.

    John, your story to me encompasses all these aspects and I love to hear how well it is working to move you further along your path. I wish you great success!

    By the way, for those who may be reading, Creative Visualization on the Procyon is a classic mind machine session. One of the best that has ever been created. (Robert rules!)

    Do others agree with the ideas I put forth?

    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Re-enacting movement and vocalizations during childhood regression using entrainm

    Tigertim, thanks for sharing your rather profound experiences with us. My old friend and mentor, Dr. Thomas Budzynski, used light and sound stimulation (primarily theta range) with his clients to facilitate precisely this process: unlocking childhood memories. If you have not already read it, I highly recommend 'The Clinical Guide to Light and Sound', which you can download from here:


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