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Thread: Proteus and new open glasses from avstim

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Proteus and new open glasses from avstim

    You could order some new light frames from MindPlace or your dealer; the new ones are much more solid. I agree that the old ones were not that durable.

  2. Default Re: Proteus and new open glasses from avstim

    When will the new colortrack-like glasses come from MindPlace?

  3. #13
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    Default Re: Proteus and new open glasses from avstim

    I haven't heard anything about Mindplace offering lightframes like that. There wouldn't be much need since for the price of those style glasses and a proteus you could buy a Procyon which can do everything those glasses can do and a heck of a lot more.

  4. Default Re: Proteus and new open glasses from avstim

    I think I read about it in mind-l list.

    I guess I better stick with the old type at $60 instead of $200.

  5. #15
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    Mar 2007
    Quebec, Canada

    Default Re: Proteus and new open glasses from avstim

    Quote Originally Posted by ateeq View Post
    Has anybody seen the new lisgt goggles from avstim
    Fourth Generation MindSpa w/Multi-Purpose Glasses for open or closed eye use
    producers of the mindspar
    you can use theese glasses with the proteus ,This i have checked
    but has anybody had any experience with them i am thinking about purchasing to use with my proteus or do th program neesd to be designed specialy for the open type glasses
    Regards Ateeq
    I have tried the hemi-stim glasses with the proteus because i wanted to experiment with driving the brain hemispheres at different rates to try the A.D.D. and depression protocols i've read in different publications. You can put them in PV stim mode if you simply want peripheral stimulation which makes them do both things with one pair of glasses. I don't know if the glasses really make the difference or if the sounds do most of the job? I'm guessing the sound. But if the glasses used different colors instead of white led's i think it would have a greater impact, scratch that, i'm sure it would, as the brain could associate the different colors and pulse rates with the hemisphere there trying to reach. Better seperation effect. No cross stimulation. Biofeedback style. I've had very good results with the "depression reduction" sessions on the NP2 software and with high beta/gamma(right ear) and alpha(left ear) sessions i made with the same software. It works almost instantly. You begin to feel joy out of nowhere. Pretty impressive! I'm in love with the different frequencies for different hemisphere approach as i've seen great results with it. ADD's like me have sluggish left hemisheres and hyper right hemispheres and so do depressed people and PMS sufferers, so different frequencies are needed to get results fast. Normal l/s also works, but not as specific it seems. I use both.
    Last edited by Lightshow; 04-21-2007 at 08:28 PM. Reason: make it better

  6. #16

    Default Re: Proteus and new open glasses from avstim

    Well, the AVStim glasses are made in the same factory as ours, since that machine is being sold by a former employee--so you'll see similar quality.

    I think this is a matter of preference; as I mentioned before, activation has been shown to be stronger in an eyes closed condition than eyes open, but there is some effect with eyes open. If you want to receive stimulation while reading or performing a task (not driving...), then you'll need your eyes open.

    There is no correlation between the eyes-open glasses and the type of session or make/model of machine being used--so if the electronics allow it, you can swap between machines.


  7. Default Re: Proteus and new open glasses from avstim

    Thanks for that Robert.
    I was wondering whether there were ways to increase entrainment while working.

    I wonder how it all compares.

    Audio entrainment is generally stated to be less effective than visual.
    Audio entrainment is probably less effective when you're working given external stimulations etc...
    Visual entrainment is probably less effective when you're working because your eyes are open

    However, combining open-eye visual entrainment with the audio entrainment while you're working may help increase its effectiveness. Do you think this necessarily follows - or am I barking up the wrong tree?

    I had written off the idea of open-eye glasses because I thought it sounded too much like a gimmick, but if it does give some entrainment it might be useful for some situations or to enhance sound-only as I mentioned above.


  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quebec, Canada

    Default Re: Proteus and new open glasses from avstim

    It works pretty good, but i strongly suggest you use the Hemi-stim glasses over the others because with the eyes open they'll give you more for your buck and more possibilities for different kind of entrainment as i have written above...

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