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Thread: Which sessions should I use with self-hypnosis tapes?

  1. Default Which sessions should I use with self-hypnosis tapes?

    I am currently struggling with bad depression and anxiety. It has affected my life in numerous ways and my therapist recommended I listen to hynposis audio tapes (for reducing anxiety, having postive thoughts, building self confidence, etc.) She says I need to reprogram my subconscience. From what I have read, these types of tapes are only effective if the person listening is in alpha or theta states. This is in fact why I bought the Proteus light & sound machine, because I have such a hard time relaxing and attaining these states. I was wondering which sessions would be best to use with these types of tapes? I'm assuming the "relaxing" sessions would work best but just wanted to make sure. I should note that the tapes are about 20 min. each. Responses are greatly appreciated.


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    Default Re: Which sessions should I use with self-hypnosis tapes?


    Quote Originally Posted by ballab26 View Post
    I am currently struggling with bad depression and anxiety. It has affected my life in numerous ways and my therapist recommended I listen to hypnosis audio tapes (for reducing anxiety, having positive thoughts, building self confidence, etc.) She says I need to reprogram my subconscious. From what I have read, these types of tapes are only effective if the person listening is in alpha or theta states. This is in fact why I bought the Proteus light & sound machine, because I have such a hard time relaxing and attaining these states. I was wondering which sessions would be best to use with these types of tapes? I'm assuming the "relaxing" sessions would work best but just wanted to make sure. I should note that the tapes are about 20 min. each. Responses are greatly appreciated.

    P13 would be a good one since it is 25 minutes long. Essentially you want a program that targets Alpha/Theta. Any of the "Tranquility" programs will do this. I've attached a session chart that you can print out and it tells you which frequencies are targeted in which programs.

    A really good book to read that is full of great information on how to get control over your thoughts and emotions is called, "My Stroke of Insight" . Even though the story is about a neuroscientist who had a stroke, her story is relevant to anyone and everyone who wants to know more about how to achieve a state of blissful peace and/or who wants to gain better control over thoughts and feelings. I recently bought the book and just love it! It is really good. I've provided a link to my website where the book is listed on It's the second book, in the second category.

    Please let me know how P13 works and how you are doing.

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

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  3. Default Re: Which sessions should I use with self-hypnosis tapes?

    Thanks for your response. I will try the P13 program. A couple follow up questions:

    1) I'm assuming I will need to turn down the binaural audio in order to listen to the hypnosis audio. Should I turn it to a level where it will be barely audible? Will I still be able to achieve alpha/theta states with such a low volume?

    2) If my eyes are twitching because of the lights, does this mean I need to turn the strobe level down? Or is this normal?

    3) For hypnosis CD's (in which I'm trying to reprogram my subconsicence), what would be the difference between using tranquility sessions (alpha/theta) opposed to mindlab learning sessions (theta)? Is it true that the the lower your brainwave frequency is, the more likely you will be able to reprogram your subconscience? In other words, wouldn't the CD's be more effective if I was in theta instead of alpha and theta?

    4) Is the machine effective if using it without any external audio? For example if I used the 15 minute tranquilty session and just sit back and relax will this be effective? Or would relaxing music enhance the sessions?

    Sorry about the in-depth questions but I'm a newbie and very curious.

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    Default Re: Which sessions should I use with self-hypnosis tapes?

    Hi Ballab,

    Quote Originally Posted by ballab26 View Post
    Thanks for your response. I will try the P13 program. A couple follow up questions:

    1) I'm assuming I will need to turn down the binaural audio in order to listen to the hypnosis audio. Should I turn it to a level where it will be barely audible? Will I still be able to achieve alpha/theta states with such a low volume?
    Have it at a comfortable level. Level of volume (other than not being able to hear it) isn't relevant to entrainment. It's not the sound that your brain will entrain to, it's the frequency of the beat.

    2) If my eyes are twitching because of the lights, does this mean I need to turn the strobe level down? Or is this normal?
    Turn it down. I've noticed that sometimes when I'm at the end of a session, my eyes will start twitching. It's because the intensity of the lights in the program has been turned up as well as the beat increased. This is done to bring the person out of the trance and back to normal consciousness. The twitching, in my case, likely happens because I fell asleep. Anyway, when the twitching occurs, you can just turn the lights down. Brightness of the lights isn't important to entrainment - again it's the frequency of the light pulse that matters.

    3) For hypnosis CD's (in which I'm trying to reprogram my subconsicence), what would be the difference between using tranquility sessions (alpha/theta) opposed to mindlab learning sessions (theta)?
    Theta alone may take you a bit deeper but there is a chance of you falling asleep. If you fall asleep and your brainwaves go into the delta region (more than a very light sleep) you will not benefit from the recording. Essentially what you want is to be in a deep state of relaxation but not asleep.

    Is it true that the the lower your brainwave frequency is, the more likely you will be able to reprogram your subconscience? In other words, wouldn't the CD's be more effective if I was in theta instead of alpha and theta?
    Not really - what's essential is to achieve a very relaxed state of mind and that usually falls within the alpha/theta range. Having said that, you can try your tape/cd with a theta program as well. Everyone's brain is slightly different and where alpha/theta may work really well for one person, alpha/Smr on another and straight theta on another. The key is to allow your self to relax and to have an attitude of openness and acceptance of what the cd says. You want to "turn off" the critical part of your mind - the internal voice that can be critical. The lights and sound help this happen because they keep your attention occupied as well as they help you attain the best state for learning and change.

    4) Is the machine effective if using it without any external audio? For example if I used the 15 minute tranquilty session and just sit back and relax will this be effective? Or would relaxing music enhance the sessions?
    Sometimes I use just the sound, sometimes I use just the lights and a cd and sometimes I use both. All are effective. The most effective way is with both light and sound (the machine alone without external cd) - though I guess it depends on whether it is an encoded cd or what the background sound is.

    Sorry about the in-depth questions but I'm a newbie and very curious.
    Keep em coming, that is why we have this forum.

    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

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  5. Default Re: Which sessions should I use with self-hypnosis tapes?

    Thanks again for the response. Here's another round.....

    1) When I tried to turn the machine audio down it also turned the hypnosis audio volume down as well. The hypnosis audio was playing from my ipod and was on full volume. I'm trying to turn the machine audio down to being barely audible and the hypnosis audio to a comfortable volume level. Is there anything I can do about this?

    2) You mentioned that the mind won't absorb information once it slips into delta. Does this mean "sleep programming" does not work (ie listening to affirmation tapes in your sleep)? I bought an audio set for this purpose and was wondering if I was wasting my time.

    3) I also bought the Audiostrobe Vol. 1 CD set. I haven't had a chance to play a CD yet but was wondering if they served any type of therepeutic purpose? Or is is just a fun visual/audio experience? Just wondering if these could help reduce my anxiety.

    4) I've developed ODC (conscience breathing, excessive swallowing) due to my high anxiety. Would you recommend anything in particular to alleviate these symptoms?

    Thanks again!!!

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    Default Re: Which sessions should I use with self-hypnosis tapes?


    Quote Originally Posted by ballab26 View Post
    Thanks again for the response. Here's another round.....

    1) When I tried to turn the machine audio down it also turned the hypnosis audio volume down as well. The hypnosis audio was playing from my ipod and was on full volume. I'm trying to turn the machine audio down to being barely audible and the hypnosis audio to a comfortable volume level. Is there anything I can do about this?
    I'll ask Andy to answer this one for you.

    2) You mentioned that the mind won't absorb information once it slips into delta. Does this mean "sleep programming" does not work (ie listening to affirmation tapes in your sleep)? I bought an audio set for this purpose and was wondering if I was wasting my time.
    Sleep programming is a waste of time - **However** you may get good results from your programs if you use them just before you go to sleep.

    3) I also bought the Audiostrobe Vol. 1 CD set. I haven't had a chance to play a CD yet but was wondering if they served any type of therepeutic purpose? Or is is just a fun visual/audio experience? Just wondering if these could help reduce my anxiety.
    Relaxation. They are great for relaxation. I don't know for sure (because I didn't write the AS program) but I would believe those titles target Alpha Theta waves.

    4) I've developed ODC (conscience breathing, excessive swallowing) due to my high anxiety. Would you recommend anything in particular to alleviate these symptoms?

    Interesting things to develop ... do they reduce your anxiety? It's also interesting that you can focus on your breathing and anxiety at the same time. Usually if one focuses on their breathing, they also can slow down their breathing or take deeper breaths - things which usually calm a person down.

    The body chemistry associate with feeling anxiety will leave your body in 90 seconds ... unless you continue to think about it, so it is possible to get through this rather quickly. I know, easier said than done ... here are some things to do to change the state.

    Toss a ball (or small object) from one hand to the other - having the object cross the center of your body. This gets both hemispheres working (anxiety causes one to get stuck) and it should bring down the anxiety state.

    Cognitively - anxiety is caused by a worry or concern about something in the future that your imagination thinks is scary. Learning to bring yourself into the present moment and focusing on the here and now will also change your state.

    Be aware of your body posture when you feel anxious and change it. Stand up (if you can), stretch or at the very least, look up. If you can not switch your internal voice off, then change it to a more soothing tone and tell yourself about what is happening in the present moment. For example, "right now everything is okay, I am okay, I am sitting here in my chair, I am looking at the computer, the sun is shining ... etc."

    Then tell yourself about things you really like and enjoy. "I like coffee, the smell of lilacs, my dog ... etc."

    If you have a favorite smell (maybe carry a cloth with you that has that scent) and pull it out and take a good, deep sniff. If you have access to a recording of some of your favorite songs put them on. I find music to be a very powerful tool in changing state.

    Doing any of these things may change your state for only a moment or many minutes. With practice and repetition not only will it become easier to change the state, it will also become easier to maintain it. You brain has to learn how to think differently and develop new neuropathways of thought and then strengthen those neuropathways and this is done with repetition. So ... it's very important to learn how to think differently. It's equally important to focus on the state you want instead of the state you don't want because the brain tends to create whatever state you are thinking about and if it's a negative state ... guess what.

    Thank you for giving me the opportunity to address this topic. Please let me know if or how these methods work for you or if you have any other questions ...

    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

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    Default Re: Which sessions should I use with self-hypnosis tapes?

    Hello Ballab;

    Quote Originally Posted by ballab26 View Post
    1) When I tried to turn the machine audio down it also turned the hypnosis audio volume down as well. The hypnosis audio was playing from my ipod and was on full volume. I'm trying to turn the machine audio down to being barely audible and the hypnosis audio to a comfortable volume level. Is there anything I can do about this?
    If you have the latest OS in your Proteus (currently 2.8) you can change the volume level of the internal sounds independently of the external.

    The version of OS in your Proteus is shown when you first power up the console, it flashes on the LED display. If you do not have v2.8 then I can help you figure out how to update it.

    Information on how to adjust the volume of the internal sounds is part of the .pdf document here:

    Scroll down to "Software" and click on
    "Changes are detailed in this PDF document."

    Let me know how that works for you or if you have any further questions about that feature.


  8. Default Re: Which sessions should I use with self-hypnosis tapes?

    Thanks you two!

    Also, I also plan on listening to relaxing music while meditating and using the meditating session of the L&S machine. If the music is designed to change your brainwave frequency, will this interfere with the binaural sounds from the machine? I think I read that the machine is capable of synching with music from external sources, but I wasn't sure if this was true. If so, does it synch with the strob, binaural beats or both? Let me know if I'm not making sense. I'm just trying to figure out what would be most effective.

    I was thinking it may be better to either A) meditate with only the L&S machine without external music or B) meditate with only the music alone (and glasses?). Suggestions?

    Thanks again gang.

  9. Default Re: Which sessions should I use with self-hypnosis tapes?

    One more thing...

    It seems thats so many websites/hypnotherapists claim that listening to tapes while going to sleep is effective in changing your subconscience. I know you said this is a waste of time, but is there any evidence that this does or doesn't work? Maybe it works until you slip into the delta state?

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    Default Re: Which sessions should I use with self-hypnosis tapes?

    Quote Originally Posted by ballab26 View Post
    One more thing...

    It seems thats so many websites/hypnotherapists claim that listening to tapes while going to sleep is effective in changing your subconscience. I know you said this is a waste of time, but is there any evidence that this does or doesn't work? Maybe it works until you slip into the delta state?
    You got it! Theoretically, it works until you slip into Delta. I say "theoretically" because you may just forget what you heard previous to delta when you slip into delta. Then again, you may remember bits and pieces of it. On the good side, if you suffer from anxiety and have problems sleeping and the CD puts you to sleep ... it doesn't matter what's on the CD because you need the sleep.

    There are a lot of people on the web trying to sell subliminal Cd's (which don't work either), hypnosis Cd's (which can work but don't alway) and sleep learning Cd's (which don't work). They will say all kinds of things to get you to buy their product and just because you have heard or read this kind of advertising in many places does not mean it's legitimate. I've never seen any studies that support "sleep" or "subliminal" learning. If anyone out there has seen any legitimate studies, by all means - let me know.

    Marisa Broughton, MCHT, MNLP
    Canadian Distributor for Mindplace

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