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Thread: Newbie here--how to Audiostrobe?

  1. Default Newbie here--how to Audiostrobe?


    I'm Jamie from the UK. It's 6:47pm here, what time is it there, and how are you?

    I have just purchased a Procyon and have had mind blowing experiences already. I diagnosed adhd and using it for that purpose too, and esp interested in using it to help me with maths--apparently beta-gamma is good for this-- 14 hz-40. Is there any session equivalent to this, or I make my own?

    I want to know how to make audiostrobe work! I assume u set it to as and i plugged my mp3 player to the aux, after downloading mp3 demo from you're site. It didn't work. Is this because the demo may not be high quality enough?

    Would be great to hear from you and get more involved with this group. Thank you

    Best wishes,

  2. Default Re: Newbie here--how to Audiostrobe?

    Hi Jamie, Congrats on your purchase of a Procyon.

    I can suggest if you want to test out the Audiostrobe with Mp3 samples that work fine go to this link:

    If you click the 'learn more' button on each CD you get samples of each track. You don't need to put them on an Mp3 player just to try them. Plug an audio out cable ( ie headphone or line out ) from your PC into the Aux port of your Procyon and have fun .

    Adjust the volume level on the pC end so that the lights are flashing from full on to full off in conjunction with glasses light level on the unit. Most of the CD's there are sold a little cheaper by Mindplace so I'm sure they would welcome your order for any CD's.

    Another way to utilise Ausdiostrobe is to use external programs like Neuroprogrammer2 which gives you audio output and audiostrobe, designed for entrainment. You can get a 15 day demo. You will need to have the latest OS flashed in your Procyon to use that properly.

  3. Default Re: Newbie here--how to Audiostrobe?


    Thank you for the reply. My Procyon has become quite famous with friends. It is currently being borrowed by my gym instructor for the weekend, I won't be getting it back till tomorrow or wednesday! lol

    I had tried a mp3 of Jeffrey Thompson's audiostrobe from this site, downloaded it to my mp3 player, and plugged it to aux of Procyon, the sound came through but no lights.

    I will try it from my computer, but i thought you could play it from mp3 players.

    Anyway, I look forward to this. The sample of Thompsons audiostrobe was brilliant nonetheless, only a few minutes and I was really experiencing some rapid shifts in consciousness!


  4. Default Re: Newbie here--how to Audiostrobe?

    Oops! That should've read i downloaded mp3 demo, not tried actual audiostrobe, but I assumed the demo would work. Maybe the quality isn't good enough, or I didn't do it properly.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: Newbie here--how to Audiostrobe?

    Hi Jamie, welcome!

    Good to see Synaesthesia has dealt with the AS questions. You might want to do a search of this site for info on the Procyon and Audiostrobe, as there has been a lot of trial and error by quite a few people here.

    As for the ADD/ADHD part, you're on the right track with the frequencies you mention and theres a post in the Procyon section with a couple of really useful documents to help you choose appropriate sessions:

    I hope you get as much pleasure and satisfaction from your Procyon as I have from mine.


  6. Default Re: Newbie here--how to Audiostrobe?

    Quote Originally Posted by indigoladuk View Post
    I had tried a mp3 of Jeffrey Thompson's audiostrobe from this site, downloaded it to my mp3 player, and plugged it to aux of Procyon, the sound came through but no lights.
    I knew that CraigT would help you out re the frequencies

    Yes the Mindplace samples are only 128kb Mp3 and as they state , there may not contain much audiostrobe information. Perhaps now that internet speeds and so much higher now, Mindplace might do well to consider putting clips up at 320kbpsMp3 which retains AS data very well.

    Don't forget to switch your Procyon to AS mode when you are listening to the clips .


  7. #7
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    Default Re: Newbie here--how to Audiostrobe?

    Quote Originally Posted by CraigT View Post
    You might want to do a search of this site for info on the Procyon and Audiostrobe, as there has been a lot of trial and error by quite a few people here.
    Thanks, Craig!

    BTW - if you scroll down below this thread, there is a list of related threads which you can go to without having to search at all. (FYI - All threads have a list of related threads down at the bottom of the screen)

  8. Default Re: Newbie here--how to Audiostrobe?


    I tried the site you suggested, and after some trial n error, discovered that audiostrobe would indeed play through my procyon, but only if the volume was real loud, and it made a repetitive scratching sound in time with the lights!


  9. #9
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    Default Re: Newbie here--how to Audiostrobe?

    Without hearing this scratching sound you're speaking of, I can only guess that it might be distortion from your MP3 player being up too loud and clipping the signal.

    If that's the case, you can go into the editor and use the "Utilities/Set Audiostrobe colors and balance" screen to adjust the gain so you can run the mp3 player at a lower level.

    If you have the latest OS on the Procyon, you can also adjust the external volume level. (


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Otaki Beach, New Zealand

    Default Re: Newbie here--how to Audiostrobe?

    There's also a 'noise in time with the lights' that occurs when the Procyon is connected to a PC/Laptop soundcard while powered from the same machine's USB port, ie, if the earphone/aux cable and USB cables are plugged in at the same time.

    If the sound goes away when the Procyon is running on batteries and the USB is unplugged, this is your problem. Unfortunately it's just the way standard soundcards and USB work on most machines, so running the Procyon off batteries or with a separate plugpack while listening to PC music is the only workaround, plugging the USB in only when using the Editor or downloading sessions.

    (Not sure if this is relevant, because I'm uncertain whether you're having trouble with an MP3 player or with a computer at this stage).

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