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Thread: Questions about Procyon (Spanish)

  1. Default Questions about Procyon (Spanish)


    Im very interested in purcharse this machine but I have some questions. Im spanish is the user manual in my language?.

    Where Can I download the user manual?

    Can I use this machine in my country without problems? I ask this because of the different voltages of both countries.

    Can I synchronize any kind of audio material with the progam Syncromuse or this progam just work with the Official Syncromuse CDs.

    Can I converted an Syncromuse Cd to mp3 format?.

    The warranty works in my country?.

    Sorry for My bad english


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Dudes about Procyon

    Hello and welcome!

    Quote Originally Posted by enriquegmi View Post

    Im very interested in purcharse this machine but I have some dudes. Im spanish is the user manual in my language?.
    I don't think there's been any translations of the manual so far.

    Where Can I download the user manual?

    Can I use this machine in my country without problems? I ask this because of the different voltages of both countries.
    There should be no problem there. The unit runs on AA batteries. It can be powered by USB either by plugging it into a computer or using a USB AC adapter.

    Can I synchronize any kind of audio material with the progam Syncromuse or this progam just work with the Official Syncromuse CDs.
    There are no Synchromuse CDs at this point. There are AudioStrobe CDs which the Procyon can work with however. You can certainly make your own Synchromuse CDs and there is a tutorial at on how to do that using some software on your PC.

    Can I converted an Syncromuse Cd to mp3 format?.
    I don't think so, but to be honest, we haven't tested that thoroughly.

    The warranty works in my country?.
    Which country?

    Sorry for My bad english

    Your english is fine, don't worry! Although the word "dudes" is not the one you're looking for.


  3. Default Re: Dudes about Procyon

    Thanks for answer so fast.

    My country is spain so the warranty work here?.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Dudes about Procyon

    Hello, usually warranty is handled by local dealer, because it is expensive to send a single item internationally. However we usually honor overseas warranty because our machines rarely fail. You would pay for shipping to us and we would pay to ship it back to you.

    Hope this helps!


  5. Default Re: Dudes about Procyon

    Thanks for your Help!.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Dudes about Procyon

    I don't think there's been any translations of the manual so far.
    I can help with that, I speak Spanish/English. Will work on it as soon I have a break

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Dudes about Procyon

    Quote Originally Posted by OmiH View Post
    I can help with that, I speak Spanish/English. Will work on it as soon I have a break
    Wow. That would be awesome! Thank you for that kind offer.


  8. #8

    Default Re: Dudes about Procyon

    No problem

    It will be an easy task, since I own Adobe Acrobat. Just need to translate and paste.

    Later will check the security settings of the pdf manual to see if I will be able to edit. If not, I will need a non - protected pdf version of the manual for editing/translation purposes.

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Dudes about Procyon

    Ok, just let me know.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Dudes about Procyon


    What a kind offer, to translate the Procyon manual!!

    We created that in Microsoft Publisher and printed to PDF; I could send you either the MP master or re-print it to PDF as unprotected, in case we had that turned on.

    Thanks much, and feel free to contact me at mpinfo at



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