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Thread: Best sessions for Depression and Anxiety

  1. #1

    Question Best sessions for Depression and Anxiety

    Can anyone tell me what procyon sessions are particularly good for depression and for anxiety.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Best sessions?

    Quote Originally Posted by Smurf View Post
    Can anyone tell me what Procyon sessions are particularly good for depression and for anxiety.

    Hi Smurf,

    Welcome to the forum.

    You want to focus on increasing the Alpha brain wave activity in your brain. The Alpha frequencies are between 8 - 11 Hz. The sessions that contain lots of Alpha are: 6, 15, any of the Creative Visualization sessions (40 - 45).

    You could also try the Full Energy programs (P 28 - 33) but if you find them too stimulating, then go back to the Creative Visualization programs.

    Please let me know which programs you find the most helpful.

    Of course, along with the use of the machine - some thought retraining is recommended. In essence, a person who suffers from depression and anxiety needs to learn how to think differently - for example, learning the skill of "reframing" which is changing what the person says to themselves about what is being perceived.

    An example of this would be as follows: 1. Become aware of self talk. Example: "Oh man this traffic sucks" (Reframe) "Hmm busy traffic. Ah a chance to relax and gather my thoughts." (What better time is there to learn something (listen to instructional CD or music CD). What better time than to sort though your thoughts.) A "reframe" is to change perspective and come up with a different way to look at a situation. It really works!

    With depression, the body chemistry is off and the machine along with some supplements (Amino Acids) can help change levels of serotonin in the body. Serotonin gets depleted by negative thinking and stress so it's important to learn how to calm down and how to change negative thinking.

    Antidepressants help in that they keep the serotonin in your system longer. They don't add anything to body - they just keep what is already in the body from being reabsorbed by the body too quickly. St. John's Wort is a herb that works in the same way as antidepressants.

    Serotonin turns into melatonin at night so people who have depression problems also usually have problems sleeping.

    Brain wave entrainment is helpful in that it coaxes the brain into making the targeted frequency (in this case Alpha) more prominent in the brain. The brain does go into Alpha easier when you close your eyes ... mind you, you should be closing your eyes when using the machine anyway.

    If you have any further questions or would like more information on this subject, please feel free to continue to ask questions and please do share with everyone else on this forum what is working for you and what isn't.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Best sessions?

    Thanks Marisa for the help and advice given. I will try those particular sessions and see how they go - by the way how long of using the sessions would a person expect to notice any differnce?

    The suggestions on 'reframing' sounds like good advice but it's very difficult to apply as my thoughts are instinctive. But it's worth a try and definitely makes sense.

    Happy New Year

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Best sessions?

    Hi Smurf, Happy New Year!

    Quote Originally Posted by Smurf View Post
    - by the way how long of using the sessions would a person expect to notice any difference?
    It really depends on the person. On the whole, I would say it could take anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of weeks. There are so many factors to consider here. Depression results from a biochemical imbalance in the brain and while AVS training is helpful in recovery - it is not a sole cure.

    Recovery time depends on how severe the depression is and what else the person is doing. Depression, in some cases, can become a lifestyle and if this has happened, then the person needs to change their lifestyle.

    Sometimes depression is strictly biochemical or hormonal and changing those levels can cause immediate change. For example, in the past, sometimes one day before "that time of the month" I get profoundly depressed. I feel like my world is coming to an end and it's difficult to shake that mood. This happened for hormonal reasons. I started taking Black Cohosh on a regular basis and I didn't experience these symptoms in such a severe way anymore. This is an example of how depression can result from a hormonal imbalance in which case, if I tried to fix it through thought changing etc. - although helpful, it was more difficult than taking a supplement.

    Depression is often the result of a biochemical imbalance (not enough serotonin in the system) and there are many things that can influence serotonin levels (raising them or lowering them). Exercise, positive thinking, AVS training and diet can increase the amount of serotonin in the system. Stress, negative thinking, poor diet, certain recreational drugs and alcohol can lower the levels of serotonin.

    It has been scientifically proven that there is a mind/body connection and that your thoughts do affect your biochemistry ... which is why I keep bringing up the subject of thought and perception changes.

    The suggestions on 'reframing' sounds like good advice but it's very difficult to apply as my thoughts are instinctive. But it's worth a try and definitely makes sense.
    I can certainly appreciate the difficulty in doing this, especially if you have new to the process. Your thoughts appear to be instinctual but they are not. Your thoughts are a reflection of your perception of the world. Your perception is a result of your brain deciphering what your senses take in.

    It takes practice and is a skill worth developing. If you have time, take a look though some of these articles and hopefully it will help you gain further understanding on how the mind works.

    Learning about the mind and how to control it is life changing and very, very empowering. If you learn the secrets of how the mind works, you can change anything in your life and you can become the person you want to be. It does take effort - just like learning any skill.

    Please keep me posted on your progress or if there is a concept or something in particular that you are struggling with. I'm here as your resource.


  5. #5

    Default Re: Best sessions?

    Hi I'm going to sound a bit thick now but not too used to forums. How do I reply to a message using the quote boxes that I've seen yourself and others using

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Best sessions?

    Quote Originally Posted by Smurf View Post
    Hi I'm going to sound a bit thick now but not too used to forums. How do I reply to a message using the quote boxes that I've seen yourself and others using
    No problem! Everyone has to start somewhere!

    Just click the button that says "quote" below the message to do the same sort of quote that I did above. You can edit the text between the quote markers and create your own by typing in the markers manually.
    The markers look like:


    Which makes:
    There are many more commands/markers called "BBCode". Here's some info on them:

    Lots of good reading in the Forum FAQ too regarding posting and all sorts of things:

    Last edited by Andy; 01-02-2008 at 09:07 AM.

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