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Thread: Use strategy

  1. Default Use strategy

    Proteus is a great product .He is just like is a fine weapon .Although has the rich sessions, But lacks solves the question strategy .

    I want to...
    Learn faster
    Sleep soundly
    Boost your energy
    Generate genius ideas
    Improve your memory
    Meditate deeply
    Access altered states
    Change your mental state
    Control your dreams
    Reduce anxiety
    Reduce pain
    Quit smoking

    Proteus has the classics the coordinate sessions?
    My meaning solves a problem, some set of corresponding plans .
    After for example learn first uses PXX to use PXX .

    Can provide such plan

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Use strategy

    I'm sorry, I don't understand what you are asking.


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Use strategy

    Hi David,

    Quote Originally Posted by david View Post
    Proteus is a great product .He is just like is a fine weapon.
    Weapon ... tool, yes.

    Although has the rich sessions, But lacks solves the question strategy

    I'm guessing you are wanting a strategy on how to achieve the goals below?

    Okay, before I get started I just want to point out that the Proteus can help you toward achieving the below goals. It will coax your brain into the desired frequencies which will allow you to reach your goals more easily.

    Here is the strategy:

    I want to...
    Learn faster
    Program 20 - Concentration. You can use just the sound part of this program while studying. Once the program finishes, take a break and use Program 23 (with lights and sound).

    Program 20 is a Beta based program which is designed to help with concentration. You can also use this program with the lights and sound before studying.

    Program 23 is an Alpha/Theta program. The brain needs time to process what is is learning and this program will help the brain do that. This is also the reason why it is important to take frequent breaks while studying.

    Sleep soundly
    Use any of the "Deep Rest" programs before going to bed.

    Boost your energy
    If you didn't get enough sleep the night before and this is why you lack energy, use Program 9 or 10 (depending on how much time you have). Here is a link to a page on the forum where you can download a program I wrote for sleep replacement.

    Generate genius ideas
    Program 21

    Improve your memory
    Any Alpha/Theta Program. Also it would help to learn memory retention techniques. There are many books available on this subject so I won't go into those details here. The best thing to improve memory is to reduce stress. Stress = memory impairment problems.

    Meditate deeply
    Program 11

    Access altered states
    Theta programs. Purchase the Audio Strobe CD Requiem - that will take you on a most unusual trip.

    Change your mental state
    Depends on what state you want to go into. Other than the machine, you can change state simply by changing your body posture. For example, if you are feeling sad, stand up, stretch and look at the ceiling.

    Control your dreams
    The machine can get you into the twilight state (Theta program) but it can't help you to control your dreams. To do this you have to practice. The first step in learning how to control your dreams is learning how to control your awake thoughts. Once you can do this, you'll find it easier to control your dreams.

    Reduce anxiety
    Any Theta based program. A quick anxiety reduction trick is if you are feeling anxious, take an object and toss it back and forth from one hand to the other. The theory is that anxiety causes our brain to be "stuck" in one hemisphere and by tossing an object back and forth between hands works to "unstick" this state and cause the anxiety to reduce. Anxiety comes from our telling ourselves scary things about the future. In other words, we create this state by what we are saying to our selves. Here is where having the ability to control your thoughts comes in handy. There may be more articles here that you find useful:

    Here is a link to an article I wrote on stress reduction. Toward the end of the article are some tips on how to reduce stress:

    Reduce pain
    Much of pain reduction comes again from changing the focus of what you are thinking about. Pain will reduce when you avoid thinking about it. Use the Machine on any tranquility program. If it is chronic pain that you or the person is dealing with, learn self hypnosis because through this you can tell the mind to release the body's pain reduction biochemicals.

    Quit smoking
    Alpha based programs such as: P9 or P15. Any addictions can be helped by increasing the Alpha frequencies in your brain.

    Proteus has the classics the coordinate sessions?
    My meaning solves a problem, some set of corresponding plans .
    After for example learn first uses PXX to use PXX .
    Sorry, I don't understand what you are saying here.

    Here is a link to the page on the forum that has the Proteus Session details. This should help you choose your programs easier.

    Here is a link to the page on the forum that gives you a basic overview of how light and sound works on the brainwaves.
    Last edited by Andy; 10-21-2007 at 06:26 PM. Reason: typo

  4. Default Re: Use strategy

    Program 20 - Concentration. You can use just the sound part of this program while studying. Once the program finishes, take a break and use Program 23 (with lights and sound).
    This is I needs.When the customer ask me "I want to Learn faster,tell me how to do ",I may suggest"fist ,you can use P20,then you can use P23."

    I guess different needs, different sequence of the use .

    Has the experience about this aspect?
    Last edited by Andy; 05-03-2008 at 07:36 PM.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Use strategy

    Hi David,

    Quote Originally Posted by david View Post
    This is I needs.When the customer ask me "I want to Learn faster,tell me how to do ",I may suggest"fist ,you can use P20,then you can use P23."
    Use P20 before studying and P23 after studying.

    I guess different needs, different sequence of the use .
    Different needs = different frequencies (programs)

    Has the experience about this aspect?
    Yes, it works.


  6. Default Re: Use strategy

    Quote Originally Posted by david View Post
    Control your dreams
    This is part of what I am working on... though I regret to inform you that it's not likely to work if you do not mentally prepare yourself for it first. At the very least, you need to go to bed with affirmations stating that you intend to have a lucid dream (controled dream) within the new future. If you find a way to have the light shine for you during REM sleep cycles, then I would add something like "When I see strange lights, I will question whether I am dreaming" to your before sleep affirmations.

    Another thing to get you in the right mind for it is to ask yourself whether you are dreaming throughout the day, and actively try to prove to yourself whether you are sleeping or awake. The theory behind this is that if you begin to do this during your waking hours, you are likely to continue this pattern of behavior in your dreams and pick out the parts of the dream that defy reality.

    The last suggestion I have is to begin a dream journal. This will help your dream recall. Unfortunately lucid / controlled dreams are rather silly if you can't remember them when you wake up.
    Last edited by Andy; 10-26-2007 at 08:16 PM. Reason: fix quote

  7. Default Re: Use strategy

    thank you very much!!!

  8. Default Re: Use strategy

    Hi Marisa,
    I use it for a long time, my memory improved a lot of ;my learning faster; sleep soundly;reduce anxiety?
    every morning when I didn't get enough sleep the night lack energy I use P9 , P10 or P07,P12.
    I use P20 when I study or recite,it helps me to improve my concentration
    After study I take a break then use P30 ,I can remember more
    After dinner ,I usually use P09 for a rest, my brain comes clearer.
    I use P31 before I go to bed. Usually I get up at 6 o?clock after used it I will got up at 5 o?clock the second day. It is more interesting.
    I usually use these programs. but I also want to know the other programs what time I can use it. for instance P1~6 ,P8, P30, P29,P30, P32etc,
    Thanks a lot! look forward to me!

  9. #9
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    Default Re: Use strategy

    Quote Originally Posted by View Post
    Hi Marisa,
    I use it for a long time, my memory improved a lot of ;my learning faster; sleep soundly;reduce anxiety?
    every morning when I didn't get enough sleep the night lack energy I use P9 , P10 or P07,P12.
    I use P20 when I study or recite,it helps me to improve my concentration
    After study I take a break then use P30 ,I can remember more
    After dinner ,I usually use P09 for a rest, my brain comes clearer.
    I use P31 before I go to bed. Usually I get up at 6 o?clock after used it I will got up at 5 o?clock the second day. It is more interesting.
    I usually use these programs. but I also want to know the other programs what time I can use it. for instance P1~6 ,P8, P30, P29,P30, P32etc,
    Thanks a lot! look forward to me!
    Thanks for sharing what programs work for you and how you use them. I'm sure others will benefit from this information.

    I answered the rest of your questions in another post:


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