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Thread: Plant Based Music Session

  1. Default Plant Based Music Session

    I wanted to share my first SpectraStrobe Session

    It's a recording from a live performance I played on a yoga event in Belgium earlier this year.

    The soundscape is generated by a 'Jungle King' plant equipped with electrodes connected to a synthesizer.
    I was improvising on a F (Ma) bansuri flute and playing various percussion instruments.
    Everything is tuned to A=432Hz

    During the performance, a beamer was flashing lights on the audience.
    The binaural beat track is going from alpha to theta and back again.

    I hope you'll enjoy this recording!

    Free download on Soundcloud:


  2. #2
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    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Plant Based Music Session

    Thank you so much, Andrew!

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  3. Default Re: Plant Based Music Session


    I just uploaded another Plant Based Session.

    It's a 1 hour deep meditation track featuring musical biodata from an Anthurium Andreanum "White Winner" plant.

    Binaural beats ranging from beta to the delta range (deepest point is 2Hz).
    SpectraStrobe with numerous color cycles.

    I gently played some bansuri-flute over it and calm rhythms are flowing in and out.

    It's tuned to 432Hz and I'm using a microtonal Ptolmy Just Intonation scale for maximum effect.

    Made with love and of course
    free download!

  4. Default Re: Plant Based Music Session

    Wow!!! This sounds amazing. Thank you very much.
    Could you explain a little about the process and what the data obtained from the plant consist of?

  5. Default Re: Plant Based Music Session

    Hi Fumanchu,

    The system is sensing galvanic conductance on the surface of the leaves.
    I'm using this device for generating MIDI out of the plant:

    The sound itself is generated on a nice little digital modular synth:

    I programmed a polyphonic synthesizer that is microtuned to a Ptolmy intense diatonic scale. This sounds very natural and a lot more still and smooth than our usual equal temperament. Since the track only uses 7 notes, the Ptolmy scale really shines I think.

    I recorded the plants first,
    then I recorded the beat track, the derbuka, chimes and finally the bansuri flute.
    Did some additional studio trickery and exported everything to Mind Workstation. Added a SpectraStrobe track, some binaural entrainment on the audio and a bit of binaural noise.

    And that's it!

    For the plants:
    I have this set up in my living room and sometimes I keep the plant 'playing' for days on end.
    It's interesting to note the differences in rhythm, melodies and note reach during different times of the day.
    You can also get some extra action when you water them after a short period of drought.

    An interesting question is of course if human interaction has an effect on the music.
    Well, I had some strange coincidences, mainly while playing flute with the plant, but they could well be due to chance/other parameters.
    I'll have to experiment further!!!
    One thing I do "feel" is that the music sounds more interesting when the plant "hears" itself through speakers. When using headphones it sounds less varied I have the impression.
    But this is not a scientific fact, just a subjective feeling :-)

    Thanks for listening/meditating.

    In a live situation I bring a LED-driven AVS system for collective strobing out on the brainwaves.
    I hope Miss Covid will give us break soon so I can go on the road with it again!!

    All the best.

  6. Default Re: Plant Based Music Session

    Thank you so much

  7. Default Re: Plant Based Music Session


    Just wanted to announce a live SpectraStrobe stream!!

    I will be playing live together with the Anthurium Andreanum plant, tonight at 20h30 CET.
    I have a Proteus connected to my flashing LED array, so you can see the flashing lights on screen while I'm playing,
    but the music stream is also SpectraStrobe encoded, so you can plug in a Kasina or Limina and enjoy on goggles at any time.

    Later this week I will put a high quality recording up for download on SoundCloud.

    Hope you'll enjoy!!

    All the best and be safe.

    This is the link to the stream:

    and SoundCloud:

    Livestream is over....
    Here is the upload:
    Last edited by AndrewChi; 08-06-2020 at 08:41 PM.

  8. Default Re: Plant Based Music Session

    Hello MindMachine family.

    Here is my new Plant Based Music session.

    Recorded live on a 'Slow Core' event in Antwerp, Belgium.
    During the performance, the audience was experiencing the flickering lights with 2 LEDbars.
    I reprogrammed the SpectraStrobe information for 'personal' use with Kasina.
    This is the first session I made with the new Prism VST from Cymaticsomatics (beta version).

    It's a low theta wave experience @ 5,5Hz (or is it high delta?)
    It features realtime bio-data from the same Anthurium Andreanum plant of the previous session.
    Our musical friendship is growing stronger than ever!

    As always a free download.


  9. #9

    Default Re: Plant Based Music Session

    Cool! Thank you for sharing! A lot of vibration in this one!

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