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Thread: First day's experience

  1. Default First day's experience

    Hello everyone,

    I had never used any of these devices (AVS) until yesterday, and only heard of them a few days ago via a memory training book. So I purchased the Kasina on Amazon and got it yesterday mid morning and of course jumped in with both feet.

    Since it needed charged I used it while it was charging. I selected some sessions in the Meditate folder, lying down in a dark room using the ganzfeld glasses. Since they made me a bit sleepy I switched to sitting up. I thought, "this is pretty cool." A couple of hours later I stumble out of that room and get online to read about the various sessions.

    Then I gave a couple of sessions in the Accelerate folder a try since I was studying various things and wanted an alert mind. Fun stuff. Then I read about gamma, and I thought, "this seems a healthy thing to do." So I sat through the Accelerate > Gamma Rejuvenation session. That was probably the funkiest session for me by far. I'll return to that one again and again I suppose. Although I'm always suspicious of placebo (probably to a fault), it definitely seemed to have some strange effect on my mental state. Clearer? More alert? Something akin to that "just right" amount of caffeine. I continued to play around with various sessions in the afternoon.

    By this time it's getting close to bedtime. So I thought, "I'd better start to unwind." So I sat through Night Voyage > Rest.

    This is perhaps the most interesting thing to report (if I still have your attention). It's a certain fact that my feet are always freezing, something I get from my dad. I have to keep them warm in the evening, including massage them, or else I have to thaw them out like ice cubes in bathwater before I have any hope of them not keeping me awake when trying to fall asleep. This is always the case, has been for decades, no exceptions. Even in summer.

    So naturally when I started the Rest session I was immobile and I could feel my icy feet and I thought, "I'll have to do the usual routine." By the time Rest was over, my feet were warm, almost hot. In fact I had to take my socks off. As I said, I steer clear of "woo woo" but this was undeniable, and really, really odd. That never happens, unless I go for a run or something. I'm eager to repeat that experiment but it seemed my circulation was rippin' fast.

    In fact I got in bed and was just so warm I couldn't sleep. What to do? Cue up the "Sleep" session, of course, using the other glasses with my eyes shut in case I fell asleep and broke them.

    No chance. By the time "Sleep" finished my mind was so buzzing I had to get up and read a book on ancient Mesoamerican history to try to get calm and bored. Around 4am I finally got a couple of hours of sleep.

    So today is day 2. Perhaps I won't sit through 4-5 hours of sessions! But I'll definitely be queuing up Gamma again.

    Thanks for reading, hopefully there was something amusing in there for someone.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: First day's experience

    Wow! Love to hear of great experiences like this. For many people, things don't really start to "happen" until several sessions in. But then there are folks like you who take to it right away.
    It sounds like you'll have some interesting experiences, and maybe some warmer feet during the holidays!

    You should share your experience with a review on amazon!


    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  3. #3

    Default Re: First day's experience

    No doubt BWE increases blood flow and circulation to the brain. Usually the effects are the opposite, the extremities get cold! Everybody is different though, and I'm glad it worked out that way for you.

    Gamma and high beta sessions can be very stimulating. I don't recommend you use them at night, certainly not after dinner. Also the light hitting the retina can affect melatonin levels, although using red light has a minimum impact. I think you were just like a kid at Christmas and wanted to play with your new toy!

    A lot of new users react this way, and over use BWE when they first start out. Here are some tips I hope will help you get the most out of your Kasina:

    Don't mix sessions. If your goal is to relax, avoid energizing sessions, vice versa if you are looking to boost focus and energy. Doing a relaxing session followed by an energizing session is like putting a humidifier and a dehumidifier in the same room, and letting them battle it out. Exception is if you get zoned out by a session, and you need to drive or something, a beta or gamma session can snap you out of it. If you want to do an energizing session to get you going in the morning, and a relaxing one at night to relax, that's OK too.

    Being zoned out, lack of energy, brain fog and sleepiness are signs you are doing too much relaxing sessions (theta, delta). Alpha sessions can be used more often without any negative effects.

    Insomnia, anxiety, irritability, and personality changes are signs of too much high beta and/ or gamma

    If you are getting any negative results, take a break for at least a few days. Start back slowly.

    SMR training (12-15 Hz) does a world of good in the long run including better sleep patterns, greater resistance to stress, and increased focus. You can't over do SMR training.

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