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Thread: Recommendations on maintaining precise SpectraStrobe control for given audio content?

  1. #11
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Recommendations on maintaining precise SpectraStrobe control for given audio cont

    Send me a sample of the .WAV file that has the noise at the end. I'd like to investigate this.

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  2. Default Re: Recommendations on maintaining precise SpectraStrobe control for given audio cont

    This is excellent work youre doing, my question is what daw are you using?

  3. Default Re: Recommendations on maintaining precise SpectraStrobe control for given audio cont

    dougdi - I am using a lesser known DAW called Renoise that I happen to love. I compiled everything that I learned and created a SpectraStrobe resources repository which you can read about in this post.

    Andy - here is a Google Drive link to the .wav file in question that has the issue when played on the Kasina, the exact same file exported as 320 Kbps MP3 does not have the issue.

  4. #14

    Default Re: Recommendations on maintaining precise SpectraStrobe control for given audio cont

    Cymatic, you're welcome. I apologize for my slow response, I have been out of town, with limited access to my computer.

    You were very fast and productive, so you resolved all problems yourself, in the meantime. Congratulation and kudos!

    Regarding the ref. signal - our encoder really modulates the sine waveform carrier at 18200 Hz by rectangular envelope with 12.5% pulse width and with 180 deg. phase shift between left and right side (so the pulses are left / right alternating). The pulses go through steep band pass filter which 'cuts the edges' and removes the related noise.
    The SS dedocer in Kasina is quite tolerant, regarding the width of ref. signal pulses, so the pulse width can differ a bit.

    There is a bug in WAV playing in Kasina. It plays WAV files to their end. Your WAV file has meta data at its end so it causes the odd sound and light pulse at the end. I played my several test WAV files and they all play correctly, as they have no meta data included. We will fix it.

  5. #15
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    Default Re: Recommendations on maintaining precise SpectraStrobe control for given audio cont

    Likely whatever program you're using to create the WAV files has a "no metadata" option...

    Alternately, you can strip out the Metadata using Audacity or a program like this.

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  6. Default Re: Recommendations on maintaining precise SpectraStrobe control for given audio cont

    Andy, thanks for the info! When I open the original .wav there doesn't appear to be any metadata (all fields are blank), but I guess there was still something in the header or elsewhere of the file. Hitting the "Clear" button in Audiacity and reexporting solved the problem. I know this in all likelihood it's a super low priority given the work around, but it'd be nice if the firmware could account for metadata in files as it does for MP3s and not play noise though, no? I could see lots of unsuspecting users putting .wav files on not really being technical enough to know what metadata even is or how to remove it and then being blasted at the end after being nice and relaxed. It's pretty jarring. But I know how tough firmware development is and realize this is most likely wishful thinking. On the other hand I feel like if an audio player says it supports .wav files playback, since metadata is part of the spec, it should probably know how to at least detect it and ignore it.

    Anyhoo, thanks for the insight on the issue and quick fix, I appreciate you looking into it!

  7. #17
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    Default Re: Recommendations on maintaining precise SpectraStrobe control for given audio cont

    Thank you for checking that, Cymatic.

    I'm sure Tomas will do his best to fix the issue with the noise burst when the WAV file has metadata. As he said, our tests were with WAV files that had no metadata so we never experienced that problem. Thank you for bringing it to our attention.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  8. #18

    Default Re: Recommendations on maintaining precise SpectraStrobe control for given audio cont

    Hi everybody,

    the bug in WAV playing has been fixed. Please check the attached new beta FW.

    There is also a short stereo WAV file with clean SS ref. signals attached. It can be used in DAW's etc.

    Hope it helps.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  9. Default Re: Recommendations on maintaining precise SpectraStrobe control for given audio cont

    Wow you guys rock. I really wasn't expecting a fix to be prioritized, but that's amazing. I'll try out the firmware and report back results. For what it's worth, I wrote a couple VSTs for creating AudioStrobe and SpectraStrobe content (Windows-only presently) if they are of any use. Using synthesis to generate the tones with a little bit of helpful frequency processing. Thanks Andy for figuring out the issue and TomasC for the firmware fix.

  10. #20

    Default Re: Recommendations on maintaining precise SpectraStrobe control for given audio cont

    Very interesting and productive thread--thanks, guys! And I'm sure a number of us would appreciate your sharing your VSTs which we could further test. The absence of Mind Workstation has definitely created a roadblock for those of us who don't currently write code. Most of the Kasina sessions were not created with MWS, though, as both Scott Hendrickson (Neuroasis) and Craig Tice wrote their own plugins (actually Scott also used Craig's color organ to partially process his files).

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