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Thread: Potential protocol for Kasina for inducing imagery

  1. Default Potential protocol for Kasina for inducing imagery

    Please download the following free book: Exploring the Sub-conscious using New Technology

    Its a free download

    New Rapid Method for obtaining Visual Images

    On pages 31 - 36 there is a method for inducing visual images

    They use different freuencies in the left & right eyes - the book explains it in detail

    Can we do this with Kasina???

  2. #2
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    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Potential protocol for Kasina for inducing imagery

    With Spectrastrobe, certainly.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  3. Default Re: Potential protocol for Kasina for inducing imagery

    I gor this thing off ebay called bumblebee

    It is a TDCs that does brainwave frequencies - I will experiment with that & kasina & see if his theory works

  4. #4

    Default Re: Potential protocol for Kasina for inducing imagery

    I am interested in trying the experiment in this book. What software would I need to use to program different frequencies for each eye? Thanks.

  5. Default Re: Potential protocol for Kasina for inducing imagery

    Hi guys, do you have news about your experiment?

    Thank you very much.

  6. Default Re: Potential protocol for Kasina for inducing imagery

    Thank you @gareth for the link to this interesting book.

    I made a very crude version in MindWorkStation. Crude in terms of ALL Kasina lights are flashing on and off at maximum brightness. I did program the brightness adjustments after 15 minutes as described in the book.
    The DIY Light/Sound-machine the author is describing has only white flashing lights, so Kasina flashing all lights ON/OFF should be similar.

    I tried it 2 times yesterday. I did not see the trees he talks of, but I think the Left Eye/Right Ear and vice versa approach is very interesting.
    I did see some strange abstract stereoscopic images I hadn't seen before with my Kasina.
    I used the normal goggles (not the ganzfeld).

    I am generally very bad at visualising things, so I am really curios about other user experiences.
    I plan to make a more elegant session out of this one, but for experimentation purposes,
    here is the link to the file:

  7. Default Re: Potential protocol for Kasina for inducing imagery

    Thanks, I will try it

  8. Default Re: Potential protocol for Kasina for inducing imagery

    Quote Originally Posted by gareth View Post
    Please download the following free book: Exploring the Sub-conscious using New Technology

    Its a free download

    New Rapid Method for obtaining Visual Images

    On pages 31 - 36 there is a method for inducing visual images

    They use different freuencies in the left & right eyes - the book explains it in detail

    Can we do this with Kasina???

    I love imagery & visualizing. Some time I really nail it & can see in 3d with full clarity but its usually thrown at me from my subconscious.

    I assumed the brain center responsible would be the visual lobes at the back. Its not its the central executive and frontal lobes that "allow" the visual lobes to see without the eyes.

    That means fNIR frontal lobe biofeedback will probably assist - another thing that definitely assists is concentration training. Because we can all hold & see 3d imagery but it usually evaporates in 2-3 seconds as our brains attention is distracted away to the external world

    Imagination is a natural tendency & state for the brain however. So by training concentration you can hold onto the imagery - eventually entering it as a realm same as you do while lucid dreaming.

    TDCs can enhance concentration & attention - if you can do it in such a way that also enhances imagination it will help set the physiology.

    Also the best book I can find on concentration training is CONCENTRATION A GUIDE TO MENTAL MASTERY by Mouni Sadhu - freely available online as PDF

    Exercises involve setting the environment, attitude & physiology before beginning the training

    The training is meditative focus - certainly much sharper focus that people normally bother with

    But even from dabbling with this training I can hold vivid visual memories a bit longer (eidetic) and seem to have sharper visions while meditating.

    So its my conclusion that the concentration training is important to visualization ability

    Also Sri Yantra is ideal for this training & the book also recommends using an analog watch hand, and old slow ticking grandfather clock would work too

    One other book with similar exercises if I recall is Raja Yoga by Ramacharaka. Ramacharaka was a westerners pen name & that author & Mouni Sadhu both say they found the exercises in older texts.

  9. Default Re: Potential protocol for Kasina for inducing imagery

    Last edited by gareth; 12-30-2019 at 03:29 PM.

  10. Default Re: Potential protocol for Kasina for inducing imagery

    Happy new year and thanks for explanation and links

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