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Thread: Where to find info about the sessions and more beginner questions

  1. #1

    Default Where to find info about the sessions and more beginner questions


    I'm a new owner of Proteus and have some questions:

    1) Where can I find detailed information about the different sessions, What to expect from them. When to use each one of them etc.

    The names of the sessions in the manual are not enough. For example I would like the optimal program to get me started when I get up in the morning (I'm usually drowsy for a couple of hours). Should I try the MindLab energize (which of the 5), Any of the peak performance sessions ? etc...

    2) What is the best audio and light levels?

    3) I would like to generate my own sessions with voice affirmations. Are there such sessions available for me to learn from? Any advice about the best tools for the job?


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Where to find info about the sessions and more beginner questions

    Hello and welcome to the forum!

    This thread may give you some of the answers you're looking for:

    If not, ask again and we'll try to help!


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Where to find info about the sessions and more beginner questions

    Hi Nbd,

    Quote Originally Posted by nbd View Post

    I'm a new owner of Proteus and have some questions:

    1) Where can I find detailed information about the different sessions, What to expect from them. When to use each one of them etc.
    Attached is a chart that lists the target brain waves and frequencies in each program.

    Here is a link to the Library article on Light and Sound. If you haven't already read it, it may help with some additional understanding about the different brainwaves and what you may want to target for what.

    As for when to use the different programs here's the basic rule of thumb. Avoid using a Theta/Delta program before driving, operating any machinery or doing something where you need to be alert. Avoid using a Beta program before bed.

    Beta & SMR are good for concentration, increasing comprehension and brain function. Alpha is good for relaxation, visualization, learning, creativity. Theta is good for meditation, (15 minutes for overcoming mental fatigue), trance work, processing learned information, recalling past memories, ASC and lucid dreaming. Delta is good for achieving a nice deep sleep. It is also said that Delta is good for body healing.

    The names of the sessions in the manual are not enough. For example I would like the optimal program to get me started when I get up in the morning (I'm usually drowsy for a couple of hours). Should I try the MindLab energize (which of the 5), Any of the peak performance sessions ? etc...
    A good program(s) for when you get up in the morning (if you want to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed) is: P7,17 or 38. These are Alpha/SMR programs and a more gentle way to wake up. Try the energize ones only if the ones I suggested don't work. If you tend to be groggy, dopey in the morning, then you may need more pure Beta such as offered in the Energize programs.

    2) What is the best audio and light levels?
    What ever is most comfortable for you.

    3) I would like to generate my own sessions with voice affirmations. Are there such sessions available for me to learn from? Any advice about the best tools for the job?
    In the library there is a short tutorial on creating a self-hypnosis CD. There is a section in that article that tells you how to make the most successful suggestions/affirmations.

    If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.

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    Last edited by Andy; 07-18-2007 at 12:05 PM. Reason: Fixed quote

  4. #4

    Default Re: Where to find info about the sessions and more beginner questions

    Marisa and Andy,

    Thank you very much, that was most helpful.

    -Nbd ( It's my initials, not bad affirmation )

  5. #5

    Smile Re: Where to find info about the sessions and more beginner questions

    Quote Originally Posted by Marisa View Post
    Hi Nbd,

    Here is a link to the Library article on Light and Sound. If you haven't already read it, it may help with some additional understanding about the different brainwaves and what you may want to target for what.

    As for when to use the different programs here's the basic rule of thumb. Avoid using a Theta/Delta program before driving, operating any machinery or doing something where you need to be alert. Avoid using a Beta program before bed.

    Beta & SMR are good for concentration, increasing comprehension and brain function. Alpha is good for relaxation, visualization, learning, creativity. Theta is good for meditation, (15 minutes for overcoming mental fatigue), trance work, processing learned information, recalling past memories, ASC and lucid dreaming. Delta is good for achieving a nice deep sleep. It is also said that Delta is good for body healing.

    Hi Marisa, this is the first time I have used the support forums as I received my machine today. So just learning! I'm interested in your talk paper content re ADD. Can you just expand a little more please. Does the issue of ADD sufferers responding in an opposite manner to what would normally be expected apply to the light and sound programmes? I am probable ADD well into adulthood. No one believes me when I assert that coffee/caffeine has a significant calming effect for me.

    I have bought the proteus to I hope aid with concentration, thought and emotional processing, sleeping, anxiety (the latter 2 I believe are the result of the first 3).

    Congratulations also on a very informative site. Very, very useful. Thanks

    Last edited by Andy; 03-29-2008 at 01:30 PM.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Where to find info about the sessions and more beginner questions

    Hi Yorkie,

    Quote Originally Posted by yorkie View Post

    Hi Marisa, this is the first time I have used the support forums as I received my machine today. So just learning! I'm interested in your talk paper content re ADD. Can you just expand a little more please. Does the issue of ADD sufferers responding in an opposite manner to what would normally be expected apply to the light and sound programmes? I am probable ADD well into adulthood. No one believes me when I assert that coffee/caffeine has a significant calming effect for me.
    I'm by no means an expert on ADD, however, from what I've read on the subject, people with ADD tend to have too much Theta dominance in their brain waves during waking states. Even if someone doesn't have ADD but they are experiencing concentration problems, the Proteus on Beta-based programs will help improve concentration.

    I have Fibromylgia and one of the things that goes with FM is concentration difficulties. I used the Proteus in two ways and it helped me greatly! The first way, is the traditional way, and that is with both the light and sound. Proteus programs 20 and 21 are excellent programs for this.

    The second way I used the Proteus was to use the sound portion only with a program I wrote (see attached) while working at my desk. Using sound alone is not as powerful as using both sound and light, but it still works.

    I do know that doctors treat ADD pharmaceutically with stimulants so it's possible that you may have ADD. The good news is that it is treatable with brain wave entrainment methods.

    I have bought the Proteus to I hope aid with concentration, thought and emotional processing, sleeping, anxiety (the latter 2 I believe are the result of the first 3).
    I'm not sure what you mean by emotional processing. One thing I do know is that the Theta state tends to bring memories (sometimes uncomfortable memories) to the surface. I don't know if this is related to what you are experiencing?

    Do you work shifts? It would seem that your brain waves are shifted inappropriately. Too much Beta when you try to sleep and too much theta when you want to be awake. We can only suspect such a thing as without an EEG, we wouldn't know for sure.

    Anyway, what you can do is when you wake up (maybe while you are still lying in bed) you could do P20 (which is a 15 minute concentration program). This ought to wake up your brain. If you get a chance during the day, if you work at a desk or maybe even while you are on your way to work or school you could listen to the Beta Focus program attached or Alpha Beta program. I designed these programs to be longer so that I could work at my desk and not have to keep restarting the "concentration" program.

    If you do not want to download the programs I wrote, you can use P20 or 21 (with just headphones) and just keep restarting the program when it ends.

    Before bed, you could use P43 or 44 - this will likely put you to sleep and hopefully keep you in that state throughout the night.

    The effects with the concentration program may be subtle. In other words, you may not notice the changes immediately but stick with it for at least two weeks. For me the change occurred slowly and one day I noticed that the tv was on and I was reading without being distracted by the tv. My concentration had improved. Also know that after you get results, you will not have to use the machine as often. I find that I go through periods where I need to use the machine more often and then I'm okay for a while. Everyone is different.

    Congratulations also on a very informative site. Very, very useful. Thanks

    Thank you for the kind words and feedback. This is what keeps us inspired!

    Please do keep in touch and let us know how you are progressing. And feel free to post any questions, observations, comments ... anything you want to share with others and I'm sure there are others who are as interested as I am in what you have to say.

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Andy; 03-30-2008 at 08:59 AM. Reason: Proteus instead of Procyon

  7. #7

    Default Re: Where to find info about the sessions and more beginner questions

    Quote Originally Posted by Marisa View Post
    Hi Yorkie,

    I'm by no means an expert on ADD, however, from what I've read on the subject, people with ADD tend to have too much Theta dominance in their brain waves during waking states. Even if someone doesn't have ADD but they are experiencing concentration problems, the Proteus on Beta-based programs will help improve concentration.

    I have Fibromylgia and one of the things that goes with FM is concentration difficulties. I used the Proteus in two ways and it helped me greatly! The first way, is the traditional way, and that is with both the light and sound. Proteus programs 20 and 21 are excellent programs for this.

    The second way I used the Proteus was to use the sound portion only with a program I wrote (see attached) while working at my desk. Using sound alone is not as powerful as using both sound and light, but it still works.

    I'm not sure what you mean by emotional processing. One thing I do know is that the Theta state tends to bring memories (sometimes uncomfortable memories) to the surface. I don't know if this is related to what you are experiencing?

    Do you work shifts? It would seem that your brain waves are shifted inappropriately. Too much Beta when you try to sleep and too much theta when you want to be awake. We can only suspect such a thing as without an EEG, we wouldn't know for sure.

    Anyway, what you can do is when you wake up (maybe while you are still lying in bed) you could do P20 (which is a 15 minute concentration program). This ought to wake up your brain. If you get a chance during the day, if you work at a desk or maybe even while you are on your way to work or school you could listen to the Beta Focus program attached or Alpha Beta program. I designed these programs to be longer so that I could work at my desk and not have to keep restarting the "concentration" program.

    If you do not want to download the programs I wrote, you can use P20 or 21 (with just headphones) and just keep restarting the program when it ends.

    Before bed, you could use P43 or 44 - this will likely put you to sleep and hopefully keep you in that state throughout the night.

    The effects with the concentration program may be subtle. In other words, you may not notice the changes immediately but stick with it for at least two weeks. For me the change occurred slowly and one day I noticed that the tv was on and I was reading without being distracted by the tv. My concentration had improved. Also know that after you get results, you will not have to use the machine as often. I find that I go through periods where I need to use the machine more often and then I'm okay for a while. Everyone is different.

    Thank you for the kind words and feedback. This is what keeps us inspired!

    Please do keep in touch and let us know how you are progressing. And feel free to post any questions, observations, comments ... anything you want to share with others and I'm sure there are others who are as interested as I am in what you have to say.

    Thanks for your suggestions Marisa, which I'll try. By emotional processing I was trying to explain that I have a combination of a physical sensation, a sort of anxiety/excitedness, hard to explain, that interferes with my being able to sift and clarify thoughts that inform decision-making and clear-thinking. I beleive this is what causes the exhaustion during the day and problem getting to sleep as it continues in the evening/night. However, I have noticed after only a very short time that, whereas I can have nights when I 'ping' awake, I used the proteus again on being wide awake, and although I didn't feel it helped immediately afterwards, had a fitful night's slepp, which is promising.

    Thanks again.


  8. #8
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    Default Re: Where to find info about the sessions and more beginner questions

    Quote Originally Posted by yorkie View Post
    Thanks for your suggestions Marisa, which I'll try. By emotional processing I was trying to explain that I have a combination of a physical sensation, a sort of anxiety/excitedness, hard to explain, that interferes with my being able to sift and clarify thoughts that inform decision-making and clear-thinking.
    Do you feel fidgety during the day? Restless? Difficult to concentrate on one thing? Are you easily distracted? If so, then you may want to try using a Beta program during the day.

    If the "anxiety" is related to worry, then you need to get a handle on dealing with worry. If this is the case, I can give you more suggestions on how to do this.

    If you are under stress, then that is associated to the anxiety I spoke about in the above paragraph - however, there are some extra things you would need to do to get that stress under control. I won't go into detail incase I'm off base here.

    I beleive this is what causes the exhaustion during the day and problem getting to sleep as it continues in the evening/night. However, I have noticed after only a very short time that, whereas I can have nights when I 'ping' awake, I used the proteus again on being wide awake, and although I didn't feel it helped immediately afterwards, had a fitful night's slepp, which is promising.
    So we have one thing that is working here. Good. A good night's sleep is the most important component in a healthy mind and body.

    What you could try during the day if you are feeling tired is P9 or 10. This may give you the boost you need.

    Let me know how things go.


  9. #9

    Default Re: Where to find info about the sessions and more beginner questions

    Quote Originally Posted by Marisa View Post
    Do you feel fidgety during the day? Restless? Difficult to concentrate on one thing? Are you easily distracted? If so, then you may want to try using a Beta program during the day.

    If the "anxiety" is related to worry, then you need to get a handle on dealing with worry. If this is the case, I can give you more suggestions on how to do this.

    If you are under stress, then that is associated to the anxiety I spoke about in the above paragraph - however, there are some extra things you would need to do to get that stress under control. I won't go into detail incase I'm off base here.

    So we have one thing that is working here. Good. A good night's sleep is the most important component in a healthy mind and body.

    What you could try during the day if you are feeling tired is P9 or 10. This may give you the boost you need.

    Let me know how things go.

    Hello Marisa,

    thank you for your reply and my apologies for the delay in responding. I'm staying with the P43 at night and P20 when I wake up for now for simplicity, and experimenting with other programmes when I have the time. Sleeping much improved.

    I am easily distracted and do worry, which causes anxiety. I don't as yet have the confidence to use the machine during my work day in our open-plan office; colleagues already think I'm somewhat eccentric in my methods! Any suggestions on dealing with the worrying would be helpful. I believe my worrying is as a result of the underlying issues, as I wasn't always such a persistant worrier. And work tasks are a major frustrating factor that will only be changed by changing jobs.

    Thanks again


  10. Default Re: Where to find info about the sessions and more beginner questions

    Hi Marisa,
    I use it for a long time, my memory improved a lot of ;my learning faster; sleep soundly;reduce anxiety?
    I also want to know the other programs what time I can use it. for instance P1~6 ,P8, P29,P30, P32etc,
    Thanks a lot! look forward to me!

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