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Thread: Newbie journal Part 2

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Mendocino, CA, USA

    Smile Newbie journal Part 2

    First, thanks to Marisa for your answer. This post will incorporate my comments/questions from your reply.

    So, as you said, I really see that one has to experiment - don't think you'll break your brain

    And I have somewhat changed my goal at the moment; goal is to get comfortable with the sessions in this respect: continue working on relaxing my eyes (making progress for sure) and clear my mind of extraneous thoughts during the session - basically float with the session (such as tranquility sessions). Think you refer to this as 'shutting off the mind'. Once I have this down I'll move on to practical applications I'm interest in such as learning, peak perf, and the goal visualization sessions.

    My day 2 experience was quite impressive. This was a dojo day; had to work on the house and felt like crap; didn't get enough sleep. So prior to going to the dojo I ran a short meditation session followed by a short peak perf session. I was like really blown away by the results (which BTW took about 30 mins to really take effect). I could not believe how alert my mind was. Kinda weird sensation - was still bit physically tired but mind was sharp and focused. Now that's results! And this happened on day 2 during what I consider not at all perfect sessions (wandering mind).

    Regarding what I want to know - you're doing a good job at answering MY questions. I really don't think I can ask you, well how do I start - am using my intuition to select sessions; other people might do something else. What I can say right now that would be useful to anyone is this (please comment on it):

    - Experiment
    - Focus on relaxing (don't think)
    - Newbies stick with shorter sessions

    Have already downloaded the freq chart; still have to digest this info. RE: your comment on attention deficit, that's not me for sure - so focused on tasks I annoy people but understand your comment. With the ultimate goal of shutting down the mind at will I do plan on working with the relaxing type of sessions for sure, though after this peak perf experience I might be addicted to that series.

    I am pleased with progress so far; regarding your comment on 'analyzing to hard' well time permits me to only say is you have no idea how relevant and funny that comment was to me.

    In closing, any comments, hints, suggestions vis-a-vis my approach to shutting down the mind would be helpful.

    P.S. There is one thing I really find annoying during a sessions - background noise (dog barks, frogs croak, birds chirp, etc.) any advice on better headphones would be useful - noise cancelling type maybe ($$$$ !!!) - better sound insulated type ($$) - specifics if you got them.


  2. #2
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    Default Re: Newbie journal Part 2

    Hi Gintaras;

    2 headphones I can recommend. The Bose Quietcomfort II or III are the best I've found so far - I've bought 4 sets so far (for myself and others) at US$299 they're not cheap but they are amazing.

    A cheaper alternative that still blocks out the sound are the "in-the-ear" type headphones. My current favourites are the Sony EX71 "fontopia" ones, but there are many brands out there. they are becoming very popular. The Sonys are around US$50.

    Hope that helps with the headphone issue at least!


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Newbie journal Part 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Andy View Post
    Hi Gintaras;

    2 headphones I can recommend. The Bose Quietcomfort II or III are the best I've found so far - I've bought 4 sets so far (for myself and others) at US$299 they're not cheap but they are amazing.

    A cheaper alternative that still blocks out the sound are the "in-the-ear" type headphones. My current favourites are the Sony EX71 "fontopia" ones, but there are many brands out there. they are becoming very popular. The Sonys are around US$50.

    Hope that helps with the headphone issue at least!

    I agree with Andy on this one (one of those sets of headphones were for me). I absolutely love them. Other uses ... drowns out kids bouncing a basket ball on the street, lawn mowers etc.


  4. #4
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    Default Re: Newbie journal Part 2

    Hi Gintaras,

    So, as you said, I really see that one has to experiment - don't think you'll break your brain
    The key is to keep the experiments reasonable. Reasonable meaning - not using the machine for more than one or two hours at a time. Or making a program that uses 75 Hz for 15 minutes straight - it wouldn't break the brain permanently but it would produce an unpleasant experience (headache, agitation, anxiety). What you are doing is reasonable.

    My day 2 experience was quite impressive. This was a dojo day; had to work on the house and felt like crap; didn't get enough sleep. So prior to going to the dojo I ran a short meditation session followed by a short peak perf session.
    Would it be possible for you to name which session you use because this combo sounds great and I'm sure others would like to try it.

    I was like really blown away by the results (which BTW took about 30 mins to really take effect). I could not believe how alert my mind was. Kinda weird sensation - was still bit physically tired but mind was sharp and focused. Now that's results! And this happened on day 2 during what I consider not at all perfect sessions (wandering mind).
    That's interesting.

    Regarding what I want to know - you're doing a good job at answering MY questions. I really don't think I can ask you, well how do I start - am using my intuition to select sessions; other people might do something else.
    Thanks. I've enjoyed this exchange and sharing what I've learned. How to start? The most important thing is to know what outcome you want ahead of time. How do you want to feel at the end of a session? This would be the most useful way to select a session and to set up your mind ahead of time to be responsive to the results. For example, if you decided that your goal was to energize your mind, not only do you get the benefit of the machine working to achieve this goal, you have also given your self a suggestion of where to focus. The unconscious mind is always looking for instruction and will always direct your mind toward what you are thinking about.

    - Experiment
    Decide your desired outcome ahead of time.

    - Focus on relaxing (don't think)
    One way to avoid thinking is to avoid using words in your self talk such as "don't". The unconscious does not process negative language and so the command "don't" will be ineffective. Use words such as "avoid" or just state what you do want instead of what you don't want.

    You can practice observing a thought as it randomly comes into your mind and then dismiss it - imagine yourself blowing it gently away as if you were creating a wind that pushed it away.

    Another method is to redirect your attention to what the lights are doing or repeat a mantra.

    The mind never really shuts off. If you are able to get rid of all thoughts, it will likely only be for a few seconds at a time. The key is to direct your attention and thoughts to a single object or purpose - a simple purpose such as watching the lights or paying attention to your breathing or chanting a mantra in your mind.

    Have already downloaded the freq chart; still have to digest this info. RE: your comment on attention deficit, that's not me for sure - so focused on tasks I annoy people but understand your comment.
    I don't recall off-hand what I said (without going back to that message). I may have been elaborating on what you were saying. My elaboration being more about the subject than you personally. I would think that with your martial arts training, you are very focused. I think that ability is amazing and very useful because with it, you can accomplish everything you desire.

    With the ultimate goal of shutting down the mind at will I do plan on working with the relaxing type of sessions for sure, though after this peak perf experience I might be addicted to that series.
    The brain needs to be able to engage in all four/five states so consider it a full mind work out. Though you don't have to focus on the delta state if you sleep well.

    Side bar: Remember how I said the u/c doesn't process negative statements and then you see me using them conversationally - the conscious mind recognizes negative statements so it's okay to use them in a conversation. Having said that - if you want to get into the habit of using positive language in your self talk, you do have to become aware of what you are saying consciously in order to avoid saying things unconsciously. Hope that makes sense.

    I am pleased with progress so far; regarding your comment on 'analyzing to hard' well time permits me to only say is you have no idea how relevant and funny that comment was to me.
    Hmmm I'm guessing it was a good guess on my part.

    In closing, any comments, hints, suggestions vis-a-vis my approach to shutting down the mind would be helpful.
    Try those things that I suggested above and please let me know what works for you or not.

    P.S. There is one thing I really find annoying during a sessions - background noise (dog barks, frogs croak, birds chirp, etc.) any advice on better headphones would be useful - noise canceling type maybe ($$$$ !!!) - better sound insulated type ($$) - specifics if you got them.
    Those Bose headphones that Andy suggested are really good. I use them all the time and absolutely love them!

    How long have you been studying Martial Arts? Does your training go into the aspects of the mind or does it focus mostly on training the body?


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