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Thread: AudioStrobe vs SpectraStrobe

  1. Default AudioStrobe vs SpectraStrobe

    I don't know if this question has been asked before. After almost 2 months trying various sessions that came with Kasina, I feel ready to ask this question.

    I don't know if it is just me, but visually I prefer audio strobe sessions much better than spectra strobe. The spectra strobe sessions are blotchy, indistinct while audio strobe sessions for me have more patterns and colors.

    For example, while I love the Biomarker session and have used it a lot, there was no way I could breathe with the blue lights because I couldn't tell if the lights were blue or red from behind closed eyes. So I breathe with the sound instead. The lights just look white or grayish to me. When I first tried "A Starlit Night" and "Patternity" as suggested by the booklet, I was a little disappointed that I couldn't see the patterns or tunnels other people reported in reviews.

    However, I kept my Kasina because I did love the overall entrainment experience. When I used "Meditate" it took me really deep and I didn't need the light really bright, I usually turn it down to the lowest level. And some of the music tracks on Kasina are just awesome!

    Then I tried Audiostrobe session and found I could indeed see some distinct colors and patterns. The last 2 times I used the Tibetan Highland track I was truly blown away, it had colorful mandalas and spatial portals and geometrical patterns. I was in awe and thought I had spiritual/religious experiences.

    So is normal? Isn't SpetraStrobe supposed to be better than AudioStrobe?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: AudioStrobe vs SpectraStrobe

    There is really no difference technically in how the lights are modulated between SpectraStrobe and AudioStrobe (LFO patterns) SpectraStrobe expands the color palette and the level of control substantially though.

    The thing is that with AudioStrobe since there are only 2 colors and most sessions used the highest brightest levels then you are see a lot of 'false colors', meaning your brain is synthesizing colors as they mix and getting impressions of them. If you have ever used pure white LED glasses you will see this at work.

    The old AudioStrobe sessions tend to use a lot of fast ramps which create geometry. There are not simple entrainment frequencies as such in nearly any of the AS session we sell. BrainScan being a notable exception. That is not to say there are none which is impossible, it is just not the focus of the titles. Geometry is... Fractal Dance being an example of this.

    In making factory sessions we had to balance between working entrainment sessions and entertaining sessions. Not that these things are completely distinct but to build entrainment a lot of repetition is required.

    So, I would guess that your brain likes the fast ramps and more bright red. Each person is different. An individual will always get the most intense results from sessions they program themselves for this reason.

    Last edited by neuroasis; 07-15-2014 at 12:04 PM.
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  3. Default Re: AudioStrobe vs SpectraStrobe

    Hi Scott,

    Thanks for the clarification. This is the first mind machine I own so I really have nothing to compare it to. Even the terms AudioStrobe and SpectraStrobe are new to me.

    I did read it somewhere that for entrainment purpose especially the ones going into lower frequencies the visual would be naturally dull. So what you are saying makes sense. The factory sessions are really great for relaxation and meditation. I bought NP3 prior to buying Kasina and I found myself hardly using NP3 anymore because there are so many sessions to explore on Kasina.

    I am not ready to program my own sessions yet but I will keep what you said in mind when I do eventually get there.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: AudioStrobe vs SpectraStrobe

    Quote Originally Posted by dancinglight View Post
    The spectra strobe sessions are blotchy, indistinct while audio strobe sessions for me have more patterns and colors.
    In the meantinme I have tried many sessions and I feel the same way too - the most enjoyable, visually stunning ones that put a smile to my face were the first two of the Audiostrobe folder - not a strarlit night or patternity as suggested in the booklet. Oceamniotic was not as visually impressive, but it does bring back beautiful memories of summer vacations and makes me feel good.

    I was not aware of the word entrainment, I had to look it up in the dictionary. I guess the Spectrastrobe sessions have deeper, more long-term effects. I would like to find that out.

    Audiostrobe is supposed to be inferior to Spectrastrobe and the booklet does not describe the included sessions at all. I was wondering if there is some more info on them in this forum?
    Last edited by raziela; 09-14-2015 at 02:11 AM.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: AudioStrobe vs SpectraStrobe

    The AudioStrobe sessions on the Kasina are part of a sampler pack of commercial sessions that we sell. The remainder of the commercial sessions are available here:

    What additional information do you want about the AudioStrobe sessions? As mentioned higher in the thread the frequencies ramp up and down a lot, so you could not really say it was an alpha or theta session or whatever. They are 'geometry' sessions.

    BTW, many of these sessions are being converted to SpectraStrobe for the DeepVision eye open glasses and the initial response of this conversion is that they translate really well and are most impressive visuals.

    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  6. #6
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    Default Re: AudioStrobe vs SpectraStrobe

    Quote Originally Posted by neuroasis View Post
    The frequencies ramp up and down a lot, so you could not really say it was an alpha or theta session or whatever.
    Understood that now, thanks!

  7. Default Re: AudioStrobe vs SpectraStrobe

    Any idea when those will be avail for purchase? I would love to see some more spectra strobe sessions.. !

  8. #8
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    Default Re: AudioStrobe vs SpectraStrobe

    Quote Originally Posted by neuroasis View Post
    The AudioStrobe sessions on the Kasina are part of a sampler pack of commercial sessions that we sell.
    Just curious - did you put various parts from individual tracks from these albums together to create a new track, or are these particular tracks from the albums?

  9. #9
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    Default Re: AudioStrobe vs SpectraStrobe

    Quote Originally Posted by cjadams View Post
    I would love to see some more spectra strobe sessions.. !
    You've already checked out all the free sessions available here and here, right?

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