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Thread: Registering Product

  1. #1

    Question Registering Product

    Hello Mindplace and the Mindplace support team.

    I recently bought the Procyon AVS from Amazon and, as I live in the UK, was wondering if there was any way of registering the product online, rather than having to send the enclosed registration form (which requires a stamp), all the way to the USA?

    I have got to say my initial impressions of the Procyon are very favourable and I am looking forward to exploring its features and effects, plus the ability to program it, more and more.

    Having recently built a limited but functional DIY version of a mind machine myself from instructions I came across online, I have a bit of an inkling of how much has gone into the design and making of this product and I am very impressed with the result. The ones I built make me look like a mad cyborg and are a complete pain to program . This being one of the reasons I took the plunge and bought a Procyon.

    Anyway, thanks for an amazing machine and thanks in advance for any help you can offer.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Registering Product

    Hello John and welcome!

    I'm happy to hear that you're enjoying your new purchase. As an electronics hobbyist, I've built many a device that while interesting, would never be able to be packaged so I know what you mean. Recently I picked up an Arduino and it's been quite a bit of fun. Amazing what these inexpensive devices can do!

    To answer your question, there's a Product Registration link at the bottom of the mindplace home page.

    Have fun!

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Registering Product

    Hi Andy and thanks for your response. I hadn't noticed that link on the website before.

    I'm very much a beginner at electronics, but have been interested in and practiced various meditation/concentration techniques for years. It's interesting that you mention the Arduino. I heard a lot of mention of that platform while hunting around various forums looking for tips/hints on building my own mind machine and it's definitely something I'll be looking into in the near future. Still, I've got a long way to go before I build anything even close to a Procyon. But then I don't need to now do I?

    Anyway, once again Andy thanks for your help. I'm off for some fun.



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