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Thread: Questions for Mindplace

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Plantation, FL

    Default Questions for Mindplace

    I originally sent this as an email to twice and did not get a replyt so I figured I would post this here in the forum. Hello Mind place. I?m a very happy customer of yours that uses the Procyon. I just got it a little over a month ago and I am so impressed how powerful it is every time I use it.I have become a huge fan in a very short time of your products and I?m on a mission to figure out the best way I can use mind machines for improving my
    Life in general. Both personal and work related.

    Anyway I had a couple questions I wanted to ask.

    1.I heard thru the grapevine you have a new version coming out soon rumored to new have goggles for both open and closed eye use a new updated
    and user friendly editor. Is there any truth to this? If so, When do you think it will launch? I know I?ll want one for sure!

    2. On Ebay I see an auction for the Psio Mindbooster ?refurbished? offered by username ?Mindplace? and wanted to verify that was actually you guys not an imposter. If you guys are the seller of the Psio how is it compared to the Procyon & Laxman as far as visuals go? Would you recommend I get one?

    3. Is besides being a dealer for your products a part of your company? I ask because the shipping point showed the same city as them in the
    Auction for the Psio. I?m not trying to be nosey or anything, I just like knowing who I am dealing with and would appreciate it if you could clear that up with me.
    4. Do you have any older refurbished Procyons with the jack that works with Laxman goggles? If so is it possible I could buy one or do you know of some connecter I
    Could buy that would allow me to use it with the Procyon I currently have which is the latest model?

    Thanks in advance for taking the time in answering my questions. I appreciate it a ton. Take care.

    Derek Bernier

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Questions for Mindplace

    Hello Derek, and thank you for your comments!

    Quote Originally Posted by VapnRealtor View Post
    Hello Mind place. I?m a very happy customer of yours that uses the Procyon. I just got it a little over a month ago and I am so impressed how powerful it is every time I use it.I have become a huge fan in a very short time of your products and I?m on a mission to figure out the best way I can use mind machines for improving my Life in general. Both personal and work related.
    That's great to hear! Glad you're enjoying your Procyon.

    Anyway I had a couple questions I wanted to ask.

    1.I heard thru the grapevine you have a new version coming out soon rumored to new have goggles for both open and closed eye use a new updated
    and user friendly editor. Is there any truth to this? If so, When do you think it will launch? I know I?ll want one for sure!
    MP is always working on updates to their existing line and new products as well. As to the details and when new products will be launched, they are pretty hush-hush about such things. I know that there has been some work on a new Procyon Editor, but no details as to when it will surface either.

    2. On Ebay I see an auction for the Psio Mindbooster ?refurbished? offered by username ?Mindplace? and wanted to verify that was actually you guys not an imposter. If you guys are the seller of the Psio how is it compared to the Procyon & Laxman as far as visuals go? Would you recommend I get one?
    I will ask about that. I know nothing of that product and if MP is selling it on ebay, I can't imagine why.

    3. Is besides being a dealer for your products a part of your company? I ask because the shipping point showed the same city as them in the Auction for the Psio. I?m not trying to be nosey or anything, I just like knowing who I am dealing with and would appreciate it if you could clear that up with me.
    They have nothing to do with MP and are not part of the company.

    4. Do you have any older refurbished Procyons with the jack that works with Laxman goggles? If so is it possible I could buy one or do you know of some connecter I could buy that would allow me to use it with the Procyon I currently have which is the latest model?
    Unfortunately, no. We have none of the Rev2 Procyons (even used) anymore. There is a discussion of the Laxman goggles here.

    Thanks in advance for taking the time in answering my questions. I appreciate it a ton. Take care.

    Derek Bernier
    You're very welcome!

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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Plantation, FL

    Default Re: Questions for Mindplace

    Thanks for the reply Andy. OK so I'll just have to wait and see what happens with any new products or upgrades which is cool because I'm more than happy with how my Procyon performs and I love it. It would be extremely cool if a set of goggles could be made for the procyon for use with both open and closed eyes. I have an Ilightz 2 set up from Mindgear and they have exactly what I'm talking about and do work great but unfortuneately I cannot use them or the actual laxman goggles with my procyon. Mindgears goggles are totally inspired by laxman just not quite as refined but really do a great job.

    So as far as the Ebay thing goes with the Psio even the Mindplace logo is used in the ad. I'll just stay away from that then cause what you said brings up alot of red flags with me. Thasnks for the info.


  4. #4
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    Default Re: Questions for Mindplace

    Quote Originally Posted by VapnRealtor View Post
    So as far as the Ebay thing goes with the Psio even the Mindplace logo is used in the ad. I'll just stay away from that then cause what you said brings up alot of red flags with me. Thasnks for the info.

    That psio product is being sold via MindPlace, but they are used and not supported by MindPlace.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Questions for Mindplace

    Thanks for the info Andy. I actually got an Email from Robert that cleared up all my questions and some info that I was extremely glad to hear.

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