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Thread: Interpreting LED levels/increments & sensitivity levels

  1. Default Interpreting LED levels/increments & sensitivity levels

    I am new to this forum.
    I have searched the posts and did not see a thread that looked like it would answer my question(s).
    I do not understand the instructions in the user guide about interpreting the results at the end of a session.
    Say I manually set the sensitivity at the beginning of a session to 8 (page 6 in the user guide -only the top LED is on/green).
    When I am done with a session, I press the start/stop button.
    Say the LED's flash at what appears to be "Level" 6 (3 green and 5 yellow on page 12 of the user guide).
    Alternately, the display flashes a single LED green, being the fifth LED up from the bottom.
    So how do I interpret those indicators per the chart on page 13 of the user guide?
    According to the user guide on page 6 (as I understand it), the single green flashing LED is the lowest sensitivity level I have reached.
    So should I be looking at the "5" column on the chart on page 13 because the lowest green flashing LED is the fifth one from the bottom?
    Or should I be looking at the "8" column because that is what I had manually set the sensitivity level to when I began the session?
    Hope my questions are understandable.
    I think the user guide's explanations aren't very clear.
    Thanks, Bob

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Interpreting LED levels/increments & sensitivity levels

    Hi Bob, and Welcome!

    You should be looking at the 5 column. You are no longer at level 8. The TS has automatically adjusted the level down from 8 to 5 after you completed level 8, 7 and 6.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  3. Default Re: Interpreting LED levels/increments & sensitivity levels

    Another question...
    In the progress log (given the same numbers as my previous post), what should I put in the Sens. Level and Lowest Level columns for that session?
    This device really helps me clear my mind.
    It's especially helpful after a stressful day.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Interpreting LED levels/increments & sensitivity levels

    You reached the lowest Level of 5.
    Your Sensitivity Level was 6 when you stopped.

    You only reached Sensitivity level 6 because you stopped before the end of the session. Completing a session (or level) will always end at level 1 (all green).

    It's a bit confusing because they are both called "levels".

    I would probably call the first (Sensitivity level 1-8) "Level" and the other (level 1-25) "Completion point" where 25 is the start and 1 is the finish, or something like that.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

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