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Thread: Proposal for 1.7.4

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    San Francisco

    Default Proposal for 1.7.4

    My fellow users,

    what do you say about the following features/bug fix list for 1.7.4?

    • Volume where it was at 1.6.8
    • No more sound artifact at full volume
    • Get rid of the loud pop at the end of a session

    Anything else?

  2. Default Re: Proposal for 1.7.4

    Yes Christophe!

    Good idea!!!!!! Everyone has a volume dial - so please no more playing with the AUDIO as this has been the single most elusive bug to fix.


  3. #3

    Default Re: Proposal for 1.7.4


    Those are the exact points I feel are the most important right now. Then it will finally work like its supposed to. It will be an excellent machine soon enough - hopefully. I'd rather have 8 bit audio than have 16 bit with the high pitch noise. I definately want it to be louder too - please go back to the 1.6.8 loudness level.

    Thanks for bullet pointing everthing clearly.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Proposal for 1.7.4

    Yep - Christophe. Spot on re every point! Hope we can expect these in the next firmware update. Cheers!


  5. Thumbs up Re: Proposal for 1.7.4

    I agree. Great suggestions.

  6. Default Re: Proposal for 1.7.4

    Not to make waves, but I feel this is redundantly stating the obvious. I see nothing said here, that has not already been said somewhere else. I say cut them some slack. This is, and seemingly always will be, a very small circle.... especially if all the first adopters chime in with this attitude. As a computer enthusiast, riding the ever increasingly accelerated pace of technology, shortcomings like the issues brought up here are par for the course. Ever here of Windows, or pc games that arrive on shelves with patches already downloaded? The pace of the marketplace, as well as consumer appetites, force the hand of most technology based luxuries. I can easily estimate this product's potential, and much prefer having it in my greedy little hands, as is, than having to wait another 6-12 months. I would rather keep the moderators friendly, and equals - sharing the ride with us, rather than seeing us as another glitch along the way.

    Think I am being too harsh? Consider this then, my suggestion is to begin thinking about a distributed computing environment - real time control of multiple units, enabling us to find common ground (should there be any). Why pass along presets to each other (oooooh, I think this is neato!!) when we could be driving these things as entangled invitations to spiritual binding. I would like to know if, or how much, someone else can affect my lightshow from points unknown. Want to change the world? Well you have to be on the same wavelength to do that, or perhaps different wavelengths, carefully referencing each other somehow. Too far fetched? I suspect we are already doing it, but do not understand how it is done, or how to elevate our capabilities toward proper goals.

    The bleeding edge always has rough spots that heal in due time. Just remember the Hair Club for Men motto - not only the president, but customers too. If the mods are not wanting to use this unit, bug free, like the rest of us, I would be surprised. Let them deal with the obvious bumps in the road, while we backseat drivers make sure we are looking at the map, right-side up. - Duane

    (ruffle some feathers? well, speak your mind. I felt like I had too, and trust me, I stopped myself more than once. I am not trying to egg anyone on, I am just saying, 'come on guys, go for the gold, not a silly ribbon')

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Proposal for 1.7.4

    Quote Originally Posted by Christophe View Post
    My fellow users,

    what do you say about the following features/bug fix list for 1.7.4?
    • Volume where it was at 1.6.8
    • No more sound artifact at full volume
    • Get rid of the loud pop at the end of a session
    You'll be happy to hear that I'm currently testing 1.7.4 and these 3 issues are fixed.

    The sound is really quite fantastic, I must say. Once we post the update I highly recommend trying my favourite - session 35 - I get this incredible 3d imaging of the sound - there's the tones that I hear and then another sound just at the edge of perception that sounds like it's coming from outside the headphones. Quite trippy, if I do say so myself!

    If all goes well, expect the 1.7.4 update this weekend.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    San Francisco

    Default Re: Proposal for 1.7.4

    Hooray!!! You guys rock. Please share this with the rest of the team! I am utterly impressed by how much you care for your users and how you seek feedback.

    Again, great job!

  9. Default Re: Proposal for 1.7.4

    Well the weekend is nearly over - is the 1.7.4 OS on its way?

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: Proposal for 1.7.4

    You must be in Europe, it's only mid-afternoon here!

    I've posted a sticky with the new OS. Hopefully it meets with your approval!


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