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Thread: AS_ Buzzing

  1. Default AS_ Buzzing

    Procyon arrived today - very nice.

    I've used it with NP3 with Aux and USB both connected to my computer.

    I did encounter some noise affecting the lights so i'll need to play around with that.

    However, my issue is that when using Audiostrobe mode with NP3 i'm getting a very annoying beat which seems to match the flashing of the _ on the front of the Procyon device itself when in AS_ mode. The noise comes and goes with the flashing of the _.

    Is this issue connected with having both Aux and USB connected to my laptop or is this something else, and if something else is there a solution?


  2. #2
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    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
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    Default Re: AS_ Buzzing

    Hello and welcome! Congratulations on your purchase.

    What you have is a ground loop from connection both the USB and audio cables to your computer.

    Try running the Procyon on batteries to see if the noise goes away. If it does, then you could power the Procyon with a USB power supply or use one of these: to break the ground loop.

    Let us know what you find.

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  3. #3
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    Default Re: AS_ Buzzing

    Andy is right and in an extreme case the ground loop isolator might be needed. But first try...

    Adjusting the Noise Level on the AudioStrobe Color and Balance under the Utilities menu in the Procyon editor will help you find the best set up for your Procyon for use with NP3. This should be adjusted until the stray signals are below the triggering threshold.

    You can also run on batteries which will help when you are using NP3 as the USB connection is not needed.
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  4. Default Re: AS_ Buzzing

    Thanks Andy and Neuroasis,

    Yeh, i did think the problem was the ground loop (didnt know that was what it was called other than seeing it mentioned) but wasn't sure if it was the same issue or not.

    Anyway the Procyon is working fine with rechargeables so I'll probably just stick with that.

    Neuroasis, could you expand a little on using the editor to help set it up with NP3. I do want to use both the Procyon and Thoughstream with NP3 so it would help to get it configured right (and im getting little flashes on the glasses without running an NP3 session even though I've run the AS configuration within NP3 - though I might not have done it correctly.

    With that said, I don't want to use the Procyon and Thoughtstream just with NP3 (though that was why I bought both products) as it seems there is alot that can be done with them as standalone products and it would be a shame not to take advantage of that. Though messing with the editor scares me alittle to be honest.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: AS_ Buzzing

    Sure, follow these instructions once you have the Procyon editor set up.

    To adjust the Analog Noise Floor for AudioStrobe in the Procyon editor.
    Under the Utilities menu choose Set Audiostrobe Colors and Balance.
    There is a slider at the bottom for the Noise Floor.
    The default is 3.
    Set it higher like 7 or so then hit the Test button.
    Once you have stopped the lights from flashing try backing it off a bit until they come back on again, then put the final setting just above this.
    You want this setting as low as possible for the best range of brightness.
    When you have the setting that works for you choose the Save As Default button and your setting will be remembered on the Procyon.

    This raises the level of the AudioStrobe trigger above the noise coming from your audio input. You will lose a bit of dynamic range but stop false triggers.

    You might want to re-run the AudioStrobe configuration in NP3 or MWS after doing this.

    And... don't be afraid of the Procyon editor. You can't really hurt anything unless you stop the process (like unplug the cable) when you are doing an operating system upgrade...

    An easy way to get started is just plug some numbers into the Frequency fields and watch how the light react. Create some fades with Start and Stop Amplitudes..

    Watch my intro video here:
    If you know something I don't, speak up! If maybe I know something you don't, ask away!

  6. Default Re: AS_ Buzzing

    Thanks Neuroasis, the Procyon seems to be more stable now.

    I enjoyed the video too. The calm, patient, even soothing way you explained how to use the editor makes me think I might be able to create some sessions, in time :-)

    I hope you don't mind but I have another question.

    I'm trying to determine what my normal brainwave pattern is. I have a Neurosky Mindwave and was wondering if you knew of any software that would show brainwave data taken with it.

    I'm guessing BioExplorer would be able to do it, but its way beyond my price range. Are you aware of any alternatives?

    From the free software that comes from Neurosky I seem to mainly producing Delta and Theta with little to no Beta, which doesn't seem right.

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