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Thread: can't upload session to Procyon

  1. #1

    Default can't upload session to Procyon

    I found some user .prw sessions I want to upload to my Procyon machine but I am having no luck.

    The editor (currently rev 2.2.05 though I tried 2.3 as well) shows I'm connected at 115,200 baud in DL2 mode to my Rev 2 machine, but nothing shows up in the editor when I click on 'Session Tools' then 'Upload Session to Procyon'. There is nothing appearing on screen to let me know anything is proceeding.

    Looking at the editor instructions it says that I should get a little requester offering options such as 'append' or 'overwrite' etc. I guess this should appear on screen in the same place as when I click on 'help' and it shows the editor version etc? Needless to say nothing shows, though there is some CPU activity when I first click on 'Upload session to Procyon'.

    The editor shows I'm connected properly to the Procyon but apart from 'help' nothing else seems to work - even the log file. Nothing under the 'Session Tools' tab works at all.

    I tried reinstalling the editor and driver, and also tried the later editor, but no difference. Could it be my firewall - though the editor seems to be connected properly?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: can't upload session to Procyon

    Hello Jules, and welcome!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jules View Post
    The editor (currently rev 2.2.05 though I tried 2.3 as well) shows I'm connected at 115,200 baud in DL2 mode to my Rev 2 machine, but nothing shows up in the editor when I click on 'Session Tools' then 'Upload Session to Procyon'. There is nothing appearing on screen to let me know anything is proceeding.
    Are you getting a green indicator in the upper left of the editor window with a "Port xx" with a number underneath it? (xx will be some number)

    If you click on "Run Segments" does the loaded session start running on the connected Procyon?

    I tried reinstalling the editor and driver, and also tried the later editor, but no difference. Could it be my firewall - though the editor seems to be connected properly?
    Let's first see if there's communication between the editor and the Procyon. What does the Help/About window show?

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  3. #3

    Default Re: can't upload session to Procyon

    Hi Andy,

    Thanks for the reply.

    Yes, it shows green and the baud rate is 115,200. Also, the segment plays OK...

    The help/about window shows:

    Windows Editor version 2.2.05

    OS version 2.1.60

    Core version 1.5.00


  4. #4
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    Default Re: can't upload session to Procyon

    Ok, so they seem to be communicating.

    To upload a session to the Procyon, you need to choose File/Open Session File. You can test it by choosing Utilities/Run Entire Session. If it looks ok, then choose Session Tools/Upload Session to Procyon.

    I think the step you missed was the File/Open Session File.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  5. #5

    Default Re: can't upload session to Procyon

    Hi Andy,

    No that isn't it. I wish it was as simple as that. I open the session file, then try and upload it to the Procyon. The first time I try it, I get a message saying something like:

    'Procyon Programming Error. Operation aborted'.

    This seems to happen the first time I try and upload a .prw after booting up the computer. Further attempts just seem to do nothing, except consume 95-99% CPU for a couple of minutes. This happens no matter which .prw file I try, that all come from your site. I can also run the entire session successfully through the editor which controls the Procyon correctly, so I doubt the sessions are corrupted.

    Sometimes too, if I flick through the options in the drop down menus, the correct dialogue appears (to append or overwrite etc) briefly, but never long enough for anything constructive to happen.

    Just as a precaution, I also re-installed the Procyon OS (2.1.60) but this made no difference. I think the problem lies with the editor, though why I can update the OS through it, but can't upload a .prw beats me...

    Last edited by Jules; 07-06-2011 at 02:50 PM. Reason: additional info

  6. #6

    Default Re: can't upload session to Procyon - ADDENDUM

    Hi again,

    I tried installing the Procyon software on my laptop, and hey presto! It works! I can now upload sessions to my Procyon at will.

    However, I didn't really want to use my laptop for this as it's overloaded with stuff and is getting quite slow.

    So, if possible, I'd still like to work this issue out on my main PC. It might be of benefit to others as well.


  7. #7
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    Default Re: can't upload session to Procyon

    Ok, so it's something to do with that computer. What version of Windows are you running on the 2 machines?
    (WinXP/Vista/7) and what CPU type (x86 - 32bit or x64 - 64bit)?

    Are you using the driver from this site, (6.3a)?

    What type of Procyon do you have (Rev1/Rev2/Rev3)?

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  8. #8

    Default Re: can't upload session to Procyon

    Hi Andy,

    Thanks for your reply. Both my laptop and main PC are using XP SP3, and both are x86 32 bit, though the PC is a Celeron and the laptop is a Pentium. The driver is the same in both cases, which is the one provided in the installer, which from memory is v5.5xxx.

    The Procyon I have is a Rev2 unit.


  9. #9
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    Default Re: can't upload session to Procyon

    Ok. Thanks for that information.

    Let's try slowing down the data on the computer that's having an issue.
    Do you know how to get into Device Manager on your computer? If not, let me know.
    With the Procyon connected to the PC and powered on, go into Device Manager and find the COM port device driver entry for the Procyon. Open the Properties for that driver and select the "Port Settings Tab". Click "Advanced..." and lower the Receive and Transmit Buffers all the way down.

    Let me know if that works or if you need additional help to find these settings.

    Hey, if someone makes a good post, don't forget to click at the bottom of their post to add to their reputation!

  10. #10

    Default Re: can't upload session to Procyon

    Hi Andy,

    I set the buffers at lowest settings and it worked. So I advanced the settings until it no longer worked, then backed them off a full notch to give a little headroom.

    I'm surprised however, as my PC which is the newer machine is the one that needed this correction, and my old laptop works just fine at the standard settings!

    Needless to say, it didn't make a lot of difference to the upload speed as the files are small to begin with.

    Thanks for the info :-) I hope others will find it useful too.


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