Things to Know about Yourself and Others

1. People do what works, and that is usually something that is
easiest and immediate to implement. Unfortunately it?s not always
something that is beneficial in the long run. For example: getting
drunk when you get stressed. You are looking to avoid the stress
feeling and getting drunk is easy and immediate. It isn?t anything
that is helpful though, in the long run.

2. People do what?s familiar. People will usually choose the ?devil
they know? than the unknown path.

3. We teach others how to treat us. If someone gets the response
they want from you, they will repeat the method. For example, if
your mother gets you to call her by making you feel guilty, then
she will continue to try to make you feel guilty to get you to call

4. Your mind will create the reality that you are thinking about. It
always goes towards and doesn?t understand ?away?. That?s why
many people tend to get what they don?t want. They create selffulfilling

5. People often feel hurt by another?s actions because of the
?perceived? (hurtful) intention.

6. You can be brainwashing yourself by negative self-talk when you
are upset. One of the ways brainwashing works is by giving
suggestions to someone when they are upset. Another way is
repetition. When you are upset and telling yourself negative
things, you are implanting those ideas in you mind. Truth is
irrelevant to belief.

7. Getting lots of rest builds strength of mind.

8. Prolonged stress can alter your body chemistry bringing on
depression, anxiety, irritability. Prolonged stress weakens the Will
and makes the individual suggestible.

9. Habits are formed by repetition. Old habits are broken by using
new habits. Neuro-pathways are similar to paths in a forest ? with
frequent use, the become well defined and easy to access. When
they are rarely used, the pathway gets fainter and eventually

10. Learning and change take place in the subconscious mind.

11. Suggestions work best when you are ready for change.

12. Inner strength is self-reinforcing.

13. Emotions and thoughts have a profound affect on your brain
chemistry (neuro-chemical responses).

14. Denial occurs when you lie to yourself. You lie to yourself when
you ignore your inner voice of truth and pretend that we don?t
hurt our bodies and minds with destructive behaviors and habits.
Denial ? keeping family secrets and turning a blind eye to abuse
(animal abuse, elder abuse, spousal abuse, child abuse, self abuse
etc.). Ignoring unpleasant things that we could do something

15. Self-awareness opens the door to change and growth. Becoming
aware of your thoughts is a good start. Pay attention to the tone
of voice you use with yourself. Is it kind, wise, loving or scolding,
criticizing and nagging? What specifically are you saying to
yourself. (Write it down and bring to session.)

16. Change all negative thoughts to positive thoughts immediately.
Repetitive negative thoughts are self-hypnotic ?so are positive

17. Boredom is conducive to destructive thought patterns. People who have nothing better to do begin to obsess about themselves,
usually in a negative way. Boredom is a chosen state of mind, you
could just as easily choose to occupy yourself with a variety of
enjoyable and/or productive activities.

18. Bored people are boring ? they are busy waiting for someone else to entertain them. They are refusing to accept responsibility for creating their own hell.

19. It takes two weeks to permanently change a behavior.