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  1. Synchromuse Session for Sleep Induction

    Hello all,
    In response to a request from Ryan I have created a 60 minute sleep induction session using MindWorkstation Enterprise from Transparent Corp. I have added a Synchromuse program as well for Procyon users. For Sirius or Proteus there is a standard AudioStrobe track in the audio. The file is 103Mb because it is a 60 min high bitrate mp3. There is a zip archive that contains the audio and the Procyon session files. Load the session file to your Procyon and put it into dL2 or dAS mode ...

    Updated 01-19-2015 at 11:28 AM by neuroasis (Addded Soundccloud file and session archive)

    AVS , Light and Sound
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  2. New video on YouTube: Introduction to the Procyon Editor

    Scott Hendrickson (Neuroasis) has just released another of his fine new series of MindPlace tutorials on our YouTube channel. This time around, it's an introduction to the Procyon Editor software, and he walks you through the process of creating your own Procyon sessions, including how to use the powerful 'looping' feature. Highly recommended?this is a 'must see' video if you are interested in making your own sessions. Thanks, Scott!
  3. Free AudioStrobe Tracks for Your Enjoyment

    Hello all!
    It's time to break out of the laboratory and release some of the last few months work out into the wild!

    We have created a MindPlace SoundCloud account and will periodically be adding content for you. Currently, I have programmed 4 tracks using a new and advanced form of AudioStrobe encoding that I have been perfecting. We are calling this process SpectraSync. The end results provide light shows far beyond anything that has come before. The leds are being controlled ...
    Tags: audiostrobe
    AVS , Light and Sound
  4. Larry Paros at the NTF

    I'm in process of posting another video lecture from the 1992 Neurotechnology Forum on Youtube (in four parts, as usual), this time by Dr. Larry Paros. In his talk, Larry discusses various applications for Cranial Electro-Stimulation (CES), a technology which sends tiny pulses of electricity through the brain, apparently causing shifts in aspects of neuronal and cognitive functions.

    Taken together, this series of lectures provides an excellent snapshot and time capsule of what ...
  5. The Neurotechnology Forum

    Back in 1992, we (or rather, our former company, Synetic Systems) hosted a day-long conference dedicated to the subject of neurotechnology. We invited a number of prominent individuals in this field to speak, including Tom Budzynski, Anna Wise, Stephen LaBerge, Len Ochs, Larry Paros, and Julian Isaacs. Topics covered included biofeedback, light and sound stimulation, subliminal and other psychological techniques, cranial electrical stimulation, lucid dreaming, and a broad range of related topics. ...
  6. Biosensor Tattoos?

    A paper in the 8/12/2011 issue of Science magazine describes essentially a breakthrough technology for biosensors. According to the piece, all of the necessary components of the devices, including electrodes, electronic components, sensors, radio frequency communication components and power supplies, are set within an extremely thin (about 30 micron) elastic polyester sheet. The sheet is flexible, and weighs less than a tenth of a gram. It's lightweight and stretchable.

    A key ...
  7. Megabrain

    In the year 1986, a book entitled Megabrain: New Tools and Techniques for Brain Growth and Mind Expansion was published. The author was journalist Michael Hutchison, and it sparked a mini-revolution. Hutchison assembled into a single tome a wide and varied range of technologies, all intended to boost intelligence and otherwise enhance consciousness. In so doing he created a viral meme, which spread well into the 1990s, during which time he authored the followup book Megabrain Power and a series ...
  8. The Tone Generation

    Back in the 1950s, electronic music was just emerging from the musique concrete movement, with their massively spliced magnetic tape assemblies and shellac records. In those days, lone composers might assemble a few military-surplus audio oscillators and filters with a tape recorder, and cobble together odd sounds by hand; the modular synthesizers made famous by Robert Moog in the late 1960's had not yet been conceived of. Some amazing works were created during this period, despite the technical ...
  9. Battle of the Colors

    Some of us remember the light shows pioneered back in the late 50s, that were especially popular additions to rock shows in the latter 60s. Though a number of techniques were used, from film strips to strobes, the most popular was perhaps the 'wet show', in which drops of colored water were added to dishes of oil (or vice-versa), and manipulated in various ways. The results were projected onto a screen, and no doubt contributed to the altered states of consciousness experienced by many concert-goers ...

    Updated 08-08-2011 at 11:51 AM by Robert Austin

    Altered States , AVS , Light and Sound , The Brain
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  10. Defining Magick

    Magick is the art and science of mastering the mind. There is no religion in magick, though there is heavy use of symbolism (often confused with religion or the occult). The symbolism is useful, it helps direct the mind and associate ideas. The key is not to get caught up in the symbolism and mistake it for reality.

    The infamous Aleister Crowley was the first person to coin the term "Magick" and his definition is: "Magick is the Science of causing Change to occur ...
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