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Robert Austin

New video on YouTube: Introduction to the Procyon Editor

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Scott Hendrickson (Neuroasis) has just released another of his fine new series of MindPlace tutorials on our YouTube channel. This time around, it's an introduction to the Procyon Editor software, and he walks you through the process of creating your own Procyon sessions, including how to use the powerful 'looping' feature. Highly recommended?this is a 'must see' video if you are interested in making your own sessions. Thanks, Scott!

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  1. neuroasis's Avatar
    Here is the video embedded for reference.

    I know my tutorials are rather long but that means detailed as well. (at least I hope you think so) More to come!

    Thanks Robert for posting this and pointing it out.
  2. Marisa's Avatar
    Well done Scott! You also have a great voice for hypnotherapy.