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  1. Complete series "Megabrain Report" now available

    We're pleased to announce that the complete run of the seminal 1990s journal "Megabrain Report" is now available for viewing and download from These issues were edited, and featured regular contributions by Michael Hutchison, whose earlier book "Megabrain" spurred the rapid growth of innovation and public interest in the mind-technology field. The articles and essays contained in these issues were authored by key figures of the ...
  2. Kasina review on 'The Unearthly Hour'

    Heads up - nice new video review on youtube:

    Updated 05-09-2014 at 10:43 AM by Robert Austin (youtube link changed)

  3. Procyon Ganzframe output splitter... found!

    We've had trouble locating true 4 conductor splitter cables for the Procyon, most such cables take the 4 conductor plug and split into two 3 conductor jacks, as with microphone+headphone outputs from Apple products. But I found someone in Korea who makes these and sells them on eBay, so I ordered one... works like a charm, and is well made. He's charging $9.95 plus $2.50 shipping; mine arrived in about ten days. His user name is acc3658, and he calls it '3.5mm 4 conductor 4 pole 3 ring Male-Female ...
    Tags: procyon
  4. Neuromedics Technology research

    In years past, we collaborated with Dr. Harold Russell and others to develop an EEG driven light and sound system, which was used to treat ADHD in several studies, with some success. We weren't able to raise the several million dollars needed for FDA approval so the project stopped (and we don't claim any medical benefits for our products without such approval, of course). But the studies are still interesting, and worth a look:
    Tags: adhd, research
  5. The Neurotechnology Forum

    Back in 1992, we (or rather, our former company, Synetic Systems) hosted a day-long conference dedicated to the subject of neurotechnology. We invited a number of prominent individuals in this field to speak, including Tom Budzynski, Anna Wise, Stephen LaBerge, Len Ochs, Larry Paros, and Julian Isaacs. Topics covered included biofeedback, light and sound stimulation, subliminal and other psychological techniques, cranial electrical stimulation, lucid dreaming, and a broad range of related topics. ...
  6. Biosensor Tattoos?

    A paper in the 8/12/2011 issue of Science magazine describes essentially a breakthrough technology for biosensors. According to the piece, all of the necessary components of the devices, including electrodes, electronic components, sensors, radio frequency communication components and power supplies, are set within an extremely thin (about 30 micron) elastic polyester sheet. The sheet is flexible, and weighs less than a tenth of a gram. It's lightweight and stretchable.

    A key ...
  7. Megabrain

    In the year 1986, a book entitled Megabrain: New Tools and Techniques for Brain Growth and Mind Expansion was published. The author was journalist Michael Hutchison, and it sparked a mini-revolution. Hutchison assembled into a single tome a wide and varied range of technologies, all intended to boost intelligence and otherwise enhance consciousness. In so doing he created a viral meme, which spread well into the 1990s, during which time he authored the followup book Megabrain Power and a series ...
  8. The Tone Generation

    Back in the 1950s, electronic music was just emerging from the musique concrete movement, with their massively spliced magnetic tape assemblies and shellac records. In those days, lone composers might assemble a few military-surplus audio oscillators and filters with a tape recorder, and cobble together odd sounds by hand; the modular synthesizers made famous by Robert Moog in the late 1960's had not yet been conceived of. Some amazing works were created during this period, despite the technical ...
  9. Creating interesting visuals, tip #1

    One of the most compelling aspects of a light and sound session is the point at which new visual patterns seem to leap into existence, then dance through a set of transformations which never seem quite the same each time you experience that session. Rather fractal-like. I've been working on some sessions recently which employ "visual beats", which means that the frequency of one color channel moves through a range slightly offset the other (fixed frequency) channel. Here's a simple ...
    Tags: art, visuals
  10. Science and Invention

    Hugo Gernsback is probably best known for launching the world's first science fiction magazine, Amazing Stories back in 1926. He started out in the publishing business in 1908 with Modern Electrics, catering to hobbyists early in the development of 'wireless'. In 1913 he launched The Electrical Experimenter, which became Science and Invention in 1920, covering a broad range of amateur science topics, now often speculative. The oversized (9x12 inch) covers were colorful paintings, and the paper ...

    Updated 06-05-2011 at 06:47 PM by Robert Austin

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